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Medical centres - payroll tax time for action

Victoria’s State Revenue Office (VSRO) and NSW Revenue (RNSW) issued near identical rulings on 11 August 2023 on the application of payroll tax to payments made by medical centres to health professionals. Unsurprisingly, the two revenue authorities followed a long string of court victories to publicly confirm they will require payroll tax on such payments.

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How to tackle rising business costs

In recent years there has been a lot for business owners to deal with from the Covid-19 pandemic, to navigating inflation and now it’s cost of living impacts. While larger businesses often have the financial backing to counteract these difficulties in the short term, SMEs need to be more resourceful.

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What is debt finance and what are the benefits?

Debt can sound daunting for business owners but actually can be a cost-efficient way of obtaining the finance required in the short to medium term to realise growth and expansion plans.

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From August 10 days leave for domestic violence.

Small business employers (employers with less than 15 employees) from 1 August 2023 are required to provide paid Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) leave, as outlined in the National Employment Standards. Employers with more than 15 employees have been obligated to provide this benefit since February 1, 2023.

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How businesses can survive rising interest rates

In the wake of consecutive rate rises and higher inflationary pressure from the rising cost of doing business, it is important to understand all of your options as a business owner and consider the range of hedging tools on offer by many banks and lenders.

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The European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and Australian exporters: How European ESG changes may affect market access

Australian companies that export cement, iron & steel, aluminium, fertiliser, hydrogen and electricity to the European Union (EU) are on warning. They will need to accelerate their transition to a low-carbon future or risk losing competitiveness; or even access, to the EU market.

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Financial misconduct

In a long-awaited development, the Senate has approved a bill to create the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort (CSLR), ensuring that individuals affected by financial misconduct can seek redress and compensation. This marks the implementation of one of the final recommendations made by the Hayne Royal Commission.

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Immediate action required: Changes to Award wages and the employer superannuation rate

On 2 June 2023, The Fair Work Commission (FWC) announced the Annual Wage Review 2022-23 decision which increased the minimum wage and Modern Award rates by 5.75%.

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ACNC new related party transactions reporting requirements – for transparency and accountability in charities

For the annual reporting period from 1 July 2023, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has mandated that all registered charities (except for Basic Religious Charities) to disclose related party transactions in their annual financial reports. This measure promotes transparency and greater accountability to the communities.

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Stay ahead of the curve: Embrace changes to flexible work and unpaid parental leave disputes.

In today’s rapidly evolving work landscape, where the need for work-life balance and gender equality has gained significant traction, several important changes have been implemented to address concerns related to flexible work arrangements and unpaid parental leave disputes.

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