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COVID-19: QLD Payroll Tax relief updates see increased deferrals and refunds

On 23 March 2020, the Queensland Premier announced an update in relation to the QLD Payroll Tax relief package that was originally proposed on Friday 20 March 2020.
This update provides further deferrals and refunds of payroll tax debt that have already been paid.

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Super Guarantee Charge Amnesty – welcome news but action required!

The super guarantee amnesty has now become law, which is welcome news for anyone caught up in the complicated compliance rules for late employer super payments. Be aware that the amnesty is for a limited period and timely action is required to be able to participate.

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ASIC priorities affecting the financial services sector in 2020

The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (“ASIC”) has been vocal and consistent in their delivery of information for participants in Australia’s financial services sector. As part of their continued response to the fallout from the Hayne Royal Commission, ASIC Deputy Chair, Ms Karen Chester, recently addressed the four lines of defence for consumers of financial services.

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Changes to Salary Sacrificed Super Contributions – Are you prepared?

Effective from 1 January 2020, new legislation has been introduced which means that salary sacrificed superannuation contributions cannot be used to reduce an employer’s mandated superannuation guarantee (SG) obligations. If you previously excluded salary sacrificed superannuation contributions from your SG calculations, you will need to review your position prior to paying your March quarter contributions (due by 28 April) to ensure your business is compliant.

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New stimulus package supports business resilience and recovery during coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

The Australian Government has responded to concerns of the economic impact surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak and has released a stimulus package aimed to support confidence, employment and business. The stimulus package is designed to provide support and assistance in the areas of business investment, business cash flow, lower income households and severely affected communities and regions.

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NSW Land Tax Surcharge – Discretionary Trust Planning Still Possible

The NSW Government has kept two planning opportunities available for discretionary trusts hoping to avoid the 2% land tax surcharge on residential land. One is expected, the other is surprising.

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Business portal access changes – Act now!

Many businesses need to access the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) business portal to lodge their Business Activity Statement (BAS) or other documents. Previously, access has been through AUSKey – a security mechanism to identify users with secure access to the portal.

The ATO and some other government agencies are changing the way access is granted by using a new system, MyGovID.

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Aged Care – What you ought to know

Most people want to remain independent throughout retirement and to stay in control of where and how they live. But your ability to do so may depend on your health and physical well-being. As we age, some things become harder to do on our own.

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Annualised salary changes to some Awards – is your business prepared?

In the wake of the alarmingly increasing number of employers being found to have underpaid their employees, the Fair Work Commission (FCW), has made a decision to change the annualised salary arrangements contained in 19 Awards and to insert an annualised wage clause in 3 additional Awards. These changes take effect from 1 March 2020, so if you currently use annualised salary arrangements under an Award, you need to be prepared for the new requirements.

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Victorian discretionary trusts face foreign purchaser additional duty

Victorian discretionary trusts intending to purchase residential land should take action now to avoid the 8% foreign purchaser additional duty.

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