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JobKeeper Stimulus Package - What, Why, Who and When

We've summarised the latest information on the JobKeeper Stimulus package to help businesses and not for profit organisations. Here is an overview of what you need to know including the what, why, who and when.

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Jobkeeper wage subsidy – what does it mean for your business?

On 8 April 2020 the Australian Parliament passed the legislation necessary to introduce the Jobkeeper wage subsidy. The legislation was given Royal Ascent on Thursday 9 April 2020. Although this gives us greater clarity in relation to what may change at the workplace, questions around timing and eligibility for employers and which employees are to be covered remain in need of some additional clarity.

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How COVID-19 is impacting insurance policies - what you need to know

COVID-19 is impacting our lives in ways we never expected. We are forced to swiftly adapt and change the way we run our business and go about our daily lives. What we may not realise is that these changes forced by the current crisis may directly impact various insurance policies we have in place, and it’s therefore important to make sure we have every angle covered.

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COVID-19: Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package

As the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on Australians continues the Australian Government has announced its support to parents with a new Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package.
The package announced on Thursday 2 April 2020, aims to provide financial relief for parents and keep early childhood education workers employed. The childcare overhaul and JobKeeper payments to early childhood education workers will see the sector receive an estimated $1.6 billion over three months.

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Fair Work Commission announces proposal to vary a large number of Modern Awards

On 1 April 2020, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) announced a preliminary view regarding the variation of many Modern Awards to provide an entitlement to “unpaid pandemic leave” and annual leave at half pay. This action is being proposed by the FWC on its’ own motion as it can do under section 175 of the Fair Work Act, 2009. A final determination will be made following a short consultation period, and if necessary, a hearing. A hearing will only occur if submissions opposing the proposal are received by the FWC. If there is a hearing, it will be held on 8 April 2020.

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Superannuation Impacts from COVID-19

The impact from the current COVID-19 crisis is being felt across Australia and the world, and superannuation is not immune. In light of the effect on not only individual’s superannuation balances, but also their businesses and personal situations, the following superannuation measures have been announced:

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COVID-19: Government Introduces ‘Sensible’ Jobkeeper Payment

Stage 3 of the Federal Government’s Covid-19 stimulus was announced on 30 March 2020.
The sensible stimulus centres on the idea of supporting employers to keep individuals employed, rather than providing support to individuals that have lost their jobs.

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COVID-19: Stage 2 of NSW Economic Stimulus Package

On 27 March 2020 the New South Wales Government released the second stage of its economic package aimed at keeping people in jobs, helping businesses and supporting the most vulnerable during the COVID-19 crisis. The package supplements the first stage announced on 17 March 2020.
The key elements of this package are to provide for the deferral of payment of payroll tax liabilities and other state based taxes and levies.

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Fair Work Commission announces temporary changes to Clerks - Private Sector Award 2010

The unprecedented circumstances imposed on us by COVID-19 has necessitated innovative solutions. The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has been working with parties to facilitate greater flexibility in working and leave arrangements.

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COVID-19: What to know when preparing to talk to your bank

Businesses and the community as a whole are bearing the brunt of COVID-19 with the mental, physical and financial impacts starting to hit hard. At Mazars, we’re actively talking with our clients and encouraging them to contact their Bank to start the process of putting in place plans to preserve cashflow and protect their staff, business and assets.

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