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ATO finalises its guidance on calculating electric vehicle home charging costs

The Australian Taxation Office has finalised the Practical Compliance Guideline 2024/2 to help individuals and employers calculate the electricity costs of charging electric vehicles at home.

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Foreigners to pay more for Australian housing

The Australian Federal Government has recently introduced a Bill into Parliament, which in its current form, would significantly increases fees for an acquisition in Australian housing. The increase in fees is aimed at increasing the available housing stock.

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TR 2024/D1 – ATO’s updated view on software payments subject to royalty withholding tax

Mazars and FORVIS to form unique new top 10 global network

16 November 2023

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Considerations when reviewing payroll

There are three key areas to consider when delivering payroll in-house.

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QRIDA Disaster Assistance Loans

If you are a primary producer or small business that has recently been affected by the Queensland severe thunderstorms and rainfall, tropical cyclone Jasper, fires or monsoon and flooding then the Disaster Assistance Loans are available to assist you with re-establishing normal operations.

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Robin Hood tax changes to provide cost of living tax relief to more Australians

Following intense media speculation and despite promises even up until last week that there would be no changes to the legislated ‘Stage 3 tax cuts’, the Australian Prime Minister, Mr Anthony Albanese has now announced a proposal to change his Government’s tax policy.

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Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants targeting South East Queensland severe storms and rainfall

CFO’s: Is your Finance team ready for an acquisition?

If your organisation completed an acquisition three months from now, would your finance team ride the wave or would the additional strain put it underwater?

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Australian Government mid year economic & fiscal outlook

The Federal Treasurer Doctor, Jim Chalmers, handed down the Australian Government’s mid year economic and fiscal outlook (MYEFO) on 13 December 2023.

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