People & culture

We invite you to read about the people behind successful businesses and insights into organisational culture.

You may read each article below. 

Community Day 2024: a day of togetherness and good deeds

27 June 2024
When thinking about social responsibility, here, at Forvis Mazars, we think about more than what we must do, we think about what we want to do, what impact we want to have, and what kind of actions we want to define us. Throughout the years, we have found the answer to that, an answer that transformed into a concept, a plan, and finally a concrete initiative. Today, we are talking about Community Day, an initiative near and dear to our hearts, reaching its third edition this year. Through it, we have learned what a united team can do and how powerful we can be when we work together for a greater goal. Ready to dive in?

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Into the world of CSR at Forvis Mazars in Romania

20 June 2024
"With passion, dedication, and commitment, each one of us can play an essential role in building a better future for everyone." – Carmen Boz, Digital Marketing & Events Coordinator

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CEE Design Sprint 2023: Construind o comunitate regională prin încurajarea unei culturi de învățare și dezvoltare în cadrul Mazars

În urma evenimentului CEE Design Sprint 2023, obținem o privire de ansamblu asupra acestuia, ce include detalii organizatorice, impresii și opinii din interior, chiar de la organizatorul său, Yulia Zaprudska, CEE HR Coordinator.

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Building a regional community by fostering the culture of learning and growth at Mazars: CEE Design Sprint 2023

Following the events of our 2023 CEE Design Sprint, we're discovering the many layers of the initiative, alongside the organisation, feedback and insights of it from its very organiser, Yulia Zaprudska, CEE HR Coordinator.

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Demistificarea profesiei de contabil: adresând cele mai populare stereotipuri

Portretizarea unui anumit rol sau funcție, fie în mass media, fie în cultura populară, poate fi adesea bazată pe stereotipuri perpetuate de-a lungul mai multor generații. Profesia de contabil nu face excepție, însă credem că atât adevărul, cât și claritatea, oferă inspirație. Astăzi, ne aventurăm în viața unui contabil, explorăm aspecte precum dezvoltarea personală și profesională, demontăm mituri și stereotipuri populare și discutăm cele mai recente instrumente și tehnologii utilizate în îndeplinirea sarcinilor zilnice. Pentru acest lucru, colega noastră, Ana Dragomirică, Manager, Outsourcing – Accounting, împărtășește călătoria sa cu noi. Aflăm împreună tot ce este de știut despre contabilitatea la Mazars în România, în interviul următor!

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Demystifying the accounting profession: crushing stereotypes

The depiction of a certain role or function throughout mass media or culture can often times be based on perpetuated stereotypes. The accounting profession is no exception, but we believe that truth and clarity can be truly inspiring. Today, we dive into the life of an accountant, exploring personal and professional development, debunking myths and popular stereotypes, and touching on the latest tools and technologies used in their daily tasks. For that, our lovely colleague, Ana Dragomirică, Manager, Outsourcing – Accounting, confidently and generously shares her journey with us. Let’s find out all there is about accounting at Mazars in Romania, in the following interview!

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IWD 2024 - Interview with Ioana Vlad Rădulescu, Director, Global Payroll

Happy International Women’s Day to you all! On the 8th of March, each year, we celebrate women everywhere, their power, their kindness, their spirit. This year is all about inspiration. And for that, our lovely colleague, Ioana Vlad Rădulescu has generously donated her time and shared with us her experience, wisdom, and passion. We hope these will serve as the inspiration you might need, for yourself, and to share with the women around you.

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The path to certifications at Mazars in Romania

Given our field of work and our company’s organisational culture, which places education at its core, the time has come for us to focus on one of the most important aspects of our employees’ professional development: certifications. By doing this, we aim to provide clarity and inspiration for current and future generations, especially those willing to go the extra mile on this amazing journey. To achieve this, our lovely colleague, Simona Avramescu, Assistant Manager, Outsourcing – Accounting, Mazars in Romania, has generously shared her insights. Let’s take a look at her unique path to certifications!

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CEE Design Sprint 2023: an insider look

29 November 2023 Last month, a few of our colleagues had the exciting opportunity to take part in what we in Mazars know already as the CEE Design Sprint. Now, let us give you a bit of context to what it represents.

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Memories from the CEE New Managers Training: tales from Warsaw

24 October 2023

What could happen when all the new managers from Mazars Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) are brought together in a professional yet relaxed setting, to take part, together, in a complex experience from all aspects? Read on to find out!

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