Balancing the professional and academic life: the best practices from our audit juniors

In the last few years, the term work-life balance has made its way into our lives, representing a desired equilibrium between the professional and personal life. Today, we are changing the perspective, bringing into the spotlight an already common challenge: the achievement of professional and academic life balance. We're discussing today with two of our amazing Audit Assistants, Maria Ciucă and Raluca Șerban, who are ready to share with us their best practices for staying organised and true to your commitments!

Hello, Maria, Raluca! Thank you both for being so generous with your time and accepting our invitation. Each of your perspectives will be much appreciated concerning today’s discussion.

Firstly, let’s give our readers some context. How did your professional and academic journey look like up until now and at what point did they intertwine?

Maria: I started my undergraduate degree in Finance and Banking back in 2021. During my first year, I wanted first to accommodate the new lifestyle that came with being a student, and, once I got used to it, I decided to look for a job in my second year of studies. I wanted a more hands-on experience, in a place where I could learn by doing, rather than just relying on the courses from my university.

Raluca: I finished my studies this July, graduating with a Master’s degree in Accounting, Audit and Management Information Systems from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. My bachelor studies were completed at the same university, given that I always had an interest in accounting and audit. During my first year in the Master’s program, I began looking for an environment where I could apply all the knowledge accumulated during my studies and saw a job advertisement from Forvis Mazars in Romania. I was already familiar with the company since I have used some of the articles written by Forvis Mazars professionals during the research for my Bachelor thesis.

The decision to apply to the role was an important one for me, because I wanted to work in an environment that will allow me to evolve and develop my skills. When I received my offer to join the company, that was the moment when my academic and professional journeys intertwined, transforming my theoretical knowledge into practical skills.


How are you managing your work and studies at the same time? What are your best practices in terms of prioritising your tasks and keeping a good time management?

Maria: Balancing both work and studies can sometimes become difficult, however, creating and respecting a clear schedule for each task is very important in order to not get overwhelmed. I tried to keep track of each deadline from university, either for projects or tests, and plan a study schedule that would give me enough extra time in case something urgent came up at work. Moreover, I was usually aware of the amount of tasks I would have at work for the following period, and this proved to be helpful when trying to balance out the study schedule with my work responsibilities.

Raluca: I can double on what Maria mentioned previously, saying that good planning and prioritisation of tasks were the best practices I have used when trying to efficiently manage both work and my studies at the same time.

I always strived to reach an equitable balance between the two, not neglecting one in favour of the other, and this was the reason why I decided to only work part time during my Master’s. Just to give you a glimpse into what a normal day looked like for me: I would go to work in the first part of my day, using the remaining time to attend my courses and do the necessary research and homework for school.

What I found helpful during that period was keeping an up-to-date agenda, where I could keep track of all the items on my to do list, prioritising the ones with high importance and a tight deadline. For keeping that balance, it’s also important to set time aside for relaxation, in order to avoid exhaustion and burnout.


Upholding the balance between these two aspects is no easy task, and one of the most important pillars for it is motivation. I’m curious, what motivated you to keep going and to seek success within both areas at the same time?

Maria: I have a strong personal need for development and growth, which is what motivated me to work and study simultaneously. While only being a student, I felt somewhat stagnant as the academic material advanced slowly during the courses. It was only after I started working that I felt myself growing and developing my knowledge and skills at a steady rate, which I was satisfied with.

Raluca: What motivated me throughout this process was the need to apply, practically, the knowledge gained in university, while developing within a competitive environment. My vision of my long-term objectives and my eagerness to become a well-rounded professional were essential for keeping my focus throughout. Another important factor for me, this time coming from my personal life, was the example set by my sister, who is a professional working in Audit as well. Her advice and wisdom were the most motivational aspects for me in following a similar path as her.


How flexible are you and your manager when designing your work program? Did you find encouragement and understanding within your teams during challenging periods?  

Maria: Understanding from my manager and my team was crucial while studying and working at the same time. I was encouraged to speak up when I felt overwhelmed, and whenever this would happen, I always found support from them all. Thus, I could adjust my workload and schedule according to my needs.

Raluca: I found myself in a similar situation, both my manager and my teammates always being understanding, especially during my evaluation periods, when I could have a flexible working schedule in order to attend all my exams. This goes as well for any personal issues I may have had, I was always able to take the necessary time to deal with them.


Maria, you have finished your Bachelor studies and are in the process of defending your thesis and obtaining your diploma. How did you navigate this intense period academically, working on your thesis while preparing for your final exams?

Maria: It was quite challenging to balance everything, however, with proper planning I managed to prepare myself for my thesis and exams. I was aware of how much effort I would have to put in during this period, so I started working on my thesis in April. The key factor to success was that I wrote my thesis and studied for my courses gradually, as the semester went by. This helped alleviate a lot of the workload that I normally would have had during this period if I had chosen to study for exams during their designated sessions.


Raluca, as well, you are currently finishing your Master studies, and now you have the experience of completing both your Bachelor thesis and your Dissertation. Any tips for our students out there, when it comes to preparation for these demanding periods?

Raluca: Firstly, I would say the most important thing, besides good planning and efficient organisation is to set short-term and long-term objectives for yourself. Having a goal in mind and a certain outcome you want to achieve will make it more motivating and meaningful for you.

Secondly, I want to emphasize the importance of taking breaks and enjoying personal time as well. Also, when feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask the people around you for help, you will most likely find support and empathy.


In all of our ambitious endeavors in life, we must not forget about ourselves. While keeping the balance between these two important aspects, how did you integrate personal time into the equation? Could you share with us any self-care practices or tips on how to be present, take time to disconnect and relax?

Maria: It is important to allow yourself time to relax, without thinking about either work or studies. In my case, it was really helpful to draw clear boundaries for myself. For example, no more studying or working after 10 p.m. and always keeping my Saturdays free for hanging out with friends or just relaxing, doing my own thing were the practices I never gave up during this period.

Raluca: In my process of trying to maintain an equilibrium between my personal and professional life, I have discovered that hiking as a hobby and time spent with my family are the most effective ways for me to disconnect and recharge my batteries. These activities do not only represent an escape from the day-to-day routine but also allow me to be present in the moments that truly matter.


Finally, what is one lesson or piece of advice you would like to share with someone at the beginning of their professional journey, who is tackling their studies at the same time?

Maria: While sometimes it may become overwhelming, it is very important to remind yourself that, in the end, everything will be fine. Good time management and clear boundaries between work, studies and personal time are the key to effectively overcoming the overwhelming periods while working and studying at the same time.

Raluca: While I wholeheartedly agree with Maria, I will also encourage our readers to always be curious and not hesitate to ask questions. The advice you will receive from your more experienced peers will bring valuable perspectives and will create connections between you. Having faith in yourself, as well as in your knowledge and skills, will be fundamental for your success.

I will say, it’s also important to embrace failure and not get discouraged when things don’t go your way on the first try. Perseverance and motivation are the key to remaining focused on the journey towards reaching your goals.


Thank you both for your openness and for your valuable insights! I’m sure they will be of great help to anyone trying to find that precious balance in their life, while tackling multiple things all at once. Congratulations to both of you on your marvelous achievements, keep being an inspiration to us all!

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Alexandra Săndulescu
Alexandra Săndulescu Employer Branding Communication Specialist Bucharest

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