Environmental tax

Environmental taxes have the role of reducing pollution and its negative effect on the environment and providing economic incentives to promote sustainable activities.

In March 2020, the European Commission adopted a new Action Plan for the circular economy.

The main objective of the Action Plan is to prepare the European economy for a green future, to strengthen competitiveness, to protect the environment and consumer rights.

Therefore, environmental protection is a high priority and is mainstreamed in all EU policies. 

In this regard, efficiency of the resource, zero pollution, no exposure to harmful and toxic substances and waste prevention becomes key priorities at EU level through the European Commission's Action Plan.

In March 2022, Romania was on the list of the European Union with 19 infringement procedures for not complying with its environmental commitments on air quality, improper waste disposal, wastewater treatment and protection of the Natura 2000 network and environmental noise. In this context, the need for a new improved approach on environment becomes clear, along with appropriate measures for the effective implementation of national environmental legislation.

Our approach

We offer environmental protection services for various industries and activities, from economic operators of packaging materials (assimilated to economic operators who purchase packaged products / importers of packaged products), hospitality (hotel, catering and restaurant), production field, as well as for large and small traders.

Irrespective of the activity carried out, any economic operator has obligations regarding environmental protection field. In this respect, it may be subject to thematic or impromptu check by the environmental authorities.

Our activities consist in the initial assessment of the activity carried out by economic operators, taking into account, were applicable, the specific environmental permits obtained or necessary to be obtained, all activities being carefully correlated with the provisions of the legislation in force.

Given the fact that environmental legislation is constantly changing and conditions regarding impact on the environment generated by human activities are becoming stricter, we can provide you with personalized services so that you will meet your legal obligations in relation to environmental protection.

Our services

For Romania, the transition to a circular economy involves a lot of environmental awareness, from producers to consumers and waste management operators.

In this respect, Forvis Mazars in Romania has initiated a line of advice to support companies to respond to the specific challenges of environmental legislation, both aiming at environmental protection and obligations to the environmental fund.

Environmental Protection

  • Environmental consultancy and reporting on environmental protection - water, air, soil / subsoil, noise and vibration, waste.
  • Audit of compliance with legal provisions and waste audit.
  • Requesting / reviewing and obtaining the environmental permit and the wastewater collection agreement.
  • Assessing working points and making proposals to improve environmental aspects.
  • Representing the client in relation to environmental authorities.

Environmental Fund

  • Identifying all obligations that are specific to the Environment Fund (contributions: packaging, EEE and BA, ecotax, pollutant emissions);
  • Establishing a working procedure for each obligation specific to the Environmental Fund (by identification, classification, packaging weighing, calculation of obligations, by case); 
  • Assessing financial-accounting and supporting documents and traceability documents (starting with documents from producer / importer that introduces on national market packaged products up to economic operator that recovers / recycles the waste);
  • Submitting Environmental Fund statements on the online reporting platform of the Environmental Fund Administration;
  • Mediating the collaboration with OIREP / OTR in order to fulfil the specific obligations of the Environmental Fund.

Our team

As the importance of the environmental protection field grows, the obligations to the Environmental Fund, as well as the specific reports on Environmental protection, become more and more complex.

Forvis Mazars in Romania’s team of specialist boasts a significant and relevant experience in the Environmental protection area, being specialized in consulting for various and important industries (e.g. retail, manufacturing, financial services, energy, pharmaceutical industry, waste recycling, HoReCa etc.).

The Forvis Mazars Team in Romania has the necessary knowledge and skills to provide specialized technical services, customized for each activity, offering optimal solutions to its customers and seeking the best available techniques to reduce the impact of their activity on the environment and encouraging their employees to be aware of the importance of environmental protection at work as well as at home.

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