Transparency in action: our CSR reports

On our journey to develop as a purposeful firm for the future, and guided by our One24 strategy, Mazars is committed to placing sustainability at the core of its business.

Since publishing our first CSR Report in 2021, we have expanded our ESG initiatives, invested in our teams, and broadened our overall impact. 

We are proud of what we have achieved so far but we are always looking forward. As a result, we have identified several areas where we could do more. Throughout our latest report, we outline what we have done and showcase how we plan to build on this momentum in the future. 

Download our CSR 2022 report

Our people

We celebrated their individuality and empowered them to become the leaders they wanted to be. We welcomed more than 110 new joiners in our departments, contributing to our young, diverse, and dynamic global workforce (62% of our workforce is under 30). We also helped our people develop the highest levels of technical excellence, as we consider that the key to our success is the development of their knowledge, skills, confidence, and experience (our professionals hold some of the most important certifications for our industry, such as ACCA, CFA, CPA, CISA, and many more, or are graduates of top universities in the world).

Our clients

We brought forward high-quality teams that went beyond expectations and achieved success. Our company has always been technology-driven, and we are working with digital solutions to enhance our client’s experiences, such as Signals, our digital
collaboration platform, or Atlas, our global audit platform designed to share knowledge and best practices. In the past year, we also developed the SAF-T reporting tool, our solution to stay compliant with the new fiscal regulations.
Furthermore, we also launched our Sustainability business line, to help companies build a sustainable approach to their businesses.

Our society

We approached every task with integrity, independence, accountability, and a social conscience. We continued to serve the public interest, doing what was right for our clients and society, by focusing on four pillars: diversity and inclusion (women now make up 60% of the Romanian leadership team), humanitarian initiatives (over 500 beneficiaries locally, support for colleagues in Ukraine), educational projects (over 100 colleagues participated in our first Mazars Community Day, translating into over 800 volunteering hours for school renovation, and over 130 hours dedicated to our Sustainability Foundation
course), and environmental impact (recycling, upcycling, donating clothes and toys, fully equipped laptops, and organising sustainable DIY deco workshops).

Acting now to prepare for what’s next

Our journey toward sustainability is not solitary; it’s a shared endeavor. With the global urgency to address climate change and implement Sustainable Development Goals, our path becomes one of collective action. We recognise that our progress must be collaborative, involving partnerships built on trust, knowledge exchange, and collective responsibility. With this report, we affirm our readiness to engage in this shared mission, not just for today but for the generations yet to come.

We invite you to read our CSR report in full. 


Romania CSR Report 2022

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