First steps in Audit: tales from the busy season | An interview with Adriana Horvat, Audit Assistant

10 August 2023
In the fast-paced world of auditing, the busy season emerges as a period of both difficulty and opportunity, where auditors must navigate through demanding workloads and tight deadlines.
Adriana Horvat

Below, Adriana, Audit Assistant at Mazars in Romania, shares her experiences and takeaways from not just one, but two busy seasons. From uncertainty to self-discovery, Adriana's journey offers inspiration to auditors and professionals alike on how determination and personal development shape success.

Adriana, how did your experience during the second busy season differed from the first one? What lessons did you apply from your first busy season to make the second one more manageable?

I must say that, during both busy seasons, I consistently maintained a high level of energy and motivation, which enabled me to thrive in challenging situations.

In the first busy season, I encountered numerous tasks that were entirely new to me. Although there was a slight uncertainty about whether I was executing them correctly, I embraced the opportunity for growth and development. Each day brought a chance to learn something new, and I eagerly awaited the next project or audit process to see what it had in store for me. I proactively sought help from my colleagues, and their guidance made me feel grateful to be part of such a supportive team, where the emphasis on the learning process itself stood out, rather than solely focusing on achieving success.

Over the past year, I have noticed significant growth and positive changes in my approach to auditing. The field is constantly evolving, and I have adapted by becoming more independent, well-versed in the processes, and self-assured. I have learned to manage my time efficiently, which has allowed me to excel in my responsibilities. Working in diverse teams, with colleagues of varying experience levels, proved to be a major advantage. The clear division of tasks allowed each team member to contribute effectively, and as a result, we all felt a sense of pride in our collective efforts.

How have you grown and developed as an auditor throughout your two busy seasons? Are there any specific skills or areas of expertise that you have honed?

Looking back, I believe that I have grown a lot this year and that I am more confident in myself, compared to the first season. The development I have experienced over the past two years has been deeply rewarding, and what excites me the most is the transferability of the skills I have acquired in auditing to various other aspects of life.

From an execution standpoint, my attention to detail, efficiency, and organizational skills have reached new heights. Now, I approach specific situations with a keen eye, delving deep into the intricacies before reaching the necessary conclusions. I have cultivated a genuine curiosity, and I am even more determined to find those situations that can be considered exceptions, deviating from the standard rules.  

Beyond the technical expertise, my personal growth has been equally noteworthy. Communication has become one of my greatest strengths, and now I effectively convey my needs and aspirations to those around me. This improved ability to express myself has strengthened my confidence and self-esteem, enabling me to take pride in my accomplishments.

How do you maintain motivation and focus during long hours and demanding deadlines in the busy season? Are there any self-care practices or habits you have developed?

In challenging and stressful situations, one of the primary thoughts that truly helps me is knowing that every difficult period is temporary and will eventually pass. This mindset has been reinforced by my experiences during the two busy seasons. I have learned that the journey in this field consists of distinct phases: times when I am actively performing and fully dedicated to achieving my goals, and other periods when the focus shifts towards personal development, acquiring new knowledge through training, and drawing insights from the experiences of others.

To successfully manage the busy season, I believe it is essential to have a good work-life balance.

Amidst the seemingly endless work schedule and increasing workload with pressing deadlines, I make a conscious effort to prioritise taking breaks that are solely focused on myself. These moments of rest allow me to recharge, find happiness in the present, and gather the energy needed to tackle the day's challenges.

As I am mostly working from home, which is a huge advantage, during my lunch break I enjoy listening to my favourite music, going outside for a breath of fresh air, chatting with my family or friends, or watching a short episode of a TV series.

When I come to the office, I usually go out with my colleagues to have a meal at a nearby restaurant or, if I feel like I need a short break, I simply invite someone for a coffee and conversation.

I believe that people who want to share their energy, enthusiasm, and help, need, in return, to pay attention to their own needs.

Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations for the future? How do you plan to continue evolving and improving as an auditor?

Considering that I will soon complete my Master's studies, in the future, I want to focus more on my career.

Regarding the future I envision for myself in audit, I wish to always remain as motivated to learn and experience new things, to have the courage to accept that I still have so much to learn, and to be comfortable admitting to those around me that there are situations where I need their support.

Applicable in the short term, I would like to review all the training sessions and internal materials provided by the company to enhance my knowledge and make sure that I have acquired all the necessary information until now, start my ACCA studies this year and take the exams accordingly, and participate in mentoring sessions with my managers, so that they can further support my growth.

In my team, I would like to be more involved in supporting the trainees and juniors in the upcoming audit season and continue to be a reliable person for the seniors and managers with which I collaborate.

If you were to describe this period using a movie reference, which film would come to your mind and why?

Finding a movie that perfectly mirrors my experiences seems like a challenge, but if I were to create one, it would be a captivating tale, brimming with complexity and suspense. Picture this: a newly graduated student, unsure of her path, embarks on a journey of self-discovery, driven by a thirst for knowledge and meaningful connections. Trembling with fear at the outset, she discovers unwavering courage within, pushing her to better herself daily, conquering goals, and confronting every obstacle that comes her way.

Through a rollercoaster of ups and downs, she remains steadfast, knowing that her journey is far from ending. At this moment, right here, right now, she finds herself in the perfect place to shape her destiny. The movie captures the essence of growth, determination, and embracing the unknown, making it an inspiring narrative of self-discovery and relentless pursuit of personal development.

Thank you, Adriana, for sharing your journey through the challenging yet rewarding world of auditing. Your experiences and insights offer valuable lessons in perseverance and personal growth, making your story one that resonates with professionals across various fields. And yes, we would watch your movie.
