Webinar - Pillar 2 GloBE: CEE perspective and useful tools

Implementing the global 15% minimum tax (Pillar 2 GloBE) is considered one of the most significant international tax legislation amendments in decades. In 2024, the new rules will become a reality in EU countries and create a range of challenges for in-scope taxpayers.

We are pleased to invite you to a regional webinar, focused on Central & Eastern Europe, dedicated to the implementation of the EU Minimum Tax Directive (Pillar 2). Moreover, we will tackle key issues and upcoming requirements for multinational groups operating in the region, and assess how the Mazars business solution can help clients navigate through this journey.

21 February, 10:00 CET

Our regional tax experts will mainly cover Pillar 2 updates and solutions in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, and Romania.

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Key topics on the agenda:

  • Overview and scope of the minimum global effective tax rate
  • Presentation of main concepts: ETR, IIR, UTPR and QDMTT
  • Country overview: Implementation status, particularities of local rules compared to the EU Directive, the application of safe harbour rules
  • Getting started with the Pillar 2 solution. A four-step, pragmatic solution carefully designed to fit your needs, that quickly identifies the required actions and transparency regarding your compliance with the GloBE regulations.
  • Q&A session where our regional experts will answer your specific questions

The EU Directive context

EU Directive 2022/2523 sets forth rules for the implementation of a global minimum level of taxation for large multinational groups and large-scale domestic groups operating in the EU (Pillar 2). The deadline for transposing the Directive into national legislation was the end of 2023, so we will look into the progress and status of the CEE countries during our webinar as well.

Taxpayers members of a multinational group or a large-scale domestic group located in an EU Member State, with annual revenue exceeding EUR 750 million in the last two of the four fiscal years, immediately preceding the reporting year, are subject to Pillar 2 obligations.

The Directive provides a mechanism based on three interdependent model rules commonly referred to as the Global anti-Base Erosion (GloBE), according to which a top-up tax should be collected in instances in which the Effective Income Tax Rate (ETR) of a multinational group in a specific jurisdiction is below the Minimum Tax Rate (MTR) of 15%.

We invite you to check our speakers below.

Meet our regional speakers