The Forvis Mazars career guide: a journey to the perfect recipe for success

Do you know the perfect career for you? Let’s find out together!
They say that the perfect job doesn’t exist, only the perfect job for you. But have you ever wondered how successful people choose their careers? At least a few thousand recipes for success, coming from people from across the world lay just a few touches of a screen away from us. Some of them are counting on familiarity and the aspects that every individual is accustomed to, and others on a rather vague prediction concerning the evolution of the labour market in the following years. Adventuring in this exercise, we couldn’t help but stop at a certain point and realise that the solution can be found much closer to home.

We’ve assembled our toolkit for a successful investigation and went towards the closest examples of success we could find: our Forvis Mazars specialists. From experienced auditors to successful consultants, human resources, tax or accounting specialists, we have followed the red thread across each of their stories, until reaching our own unique success recipe. And, although each experience is different in its own way, the conclusions always reach the same outcome: count on your skills and incorporate them into activities that bring you joy on a daily basis. The career that will bring success into your life, no matter what definition of success you’re devoted to, is the one that places at its core the above-mentioned aspects.

At Forvis Mazars in Romania, the central point of our activity is represented by supporting our clients every day, with personalised solutions, customised for their individual needs. In this way, we are navigating together the challenges specific to each stage in their journey. Let’s do an imagination exercise together! Today we are your consultants and using all the information we have accumulated so far, we’ll find the answer together to our original question. What will we need? We’re starting with a bit of patience and some moments of introspection.

Start by writing down in your agenda all the activities that you could do daily with joy, the things regarding which your friends are always asking for your advice, the qualities and skills that make you proud, the aspects that differentiate you and make you unique. Afterwards, follow closely our teams dictionary, as we like to call it, comparing it to your list.


Ready? Let’s begin!


If your friends jokingly call you a little Sherlock Holmes in the making, the audit team might be the place where you didn’t know you already belonged! Do you also guess the suspect before everyone else when watching a detective movie? Do you also notice when a book is moved two centimetres to the left in your library? Well, our detectives, the ones who see beyond the numbers, the ones that understand the mechanisms behind them, the ones that ask the questions and solve the mystery, or, as they’re officially called, the auditors, are ready to offer you the authentic experience of a thrilling puzzle, specially tailored for your abilities!

Some sort of number wizards, we like to call them, but without the robes and wands. If you’re the one to take the initiative, if you let your actions speak for yourself, the one that says yes and is ready to learn and tackle something new every day, the accounting team asked us to remind you that they’re waiting for you! They are the precise ones, trusted with the budgets of their friend group’s vacations, who embrace innovation in all its forms and are always equipped with good vibes and the drive to make things happen. And, if you also have a post-it on your office desk that reads the power is in the numbers, chances are you will become good friends with them very fast!

An afternoon spent reading is more your cup of tea than any other activity? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Are you also your friend group’s journalist, the bearer of all the news and the one that keeps the others up to date? For our lovers of information, for the ones who want to keep up with everything new, the pragmatic ones, and the realists, our tax team is ready to introduce you into their universe. They are the creatives, the inventive ones, ready to find solutions where others don’t look thoroughly enough, having the advantage of their absolute motto, Knowledge is power. Or some sort of Harvey Specter who reads a bit more on an average day.

People oriented, but at the same time realistic and precise? Are you the one who offers career advice to your friends, the one always connected to the changes in the market? Do you also start working on a project as early as possible to avoid missing your deadline, but not before compiling a detailed, color-coded list of your tasks? Find that you’re not the only one, and our HR & Payroll team is on the lookout for people just like you. In the team, organization is a staple, while precise numbers and calculations always have behind them real people and professionals that we look after, always making their needs and interests our top priority.


Every professional has abilities and unique aspects that make them special. But a team of people who will support and follow you closely during your journey to success is what will make the difference. In the end, besides all of this, don’t forget about curiosity, ambition and courage. All the other aspects can be learned on the way, no matter what area of work you’ll choose. And if you also have those three on your list, come and write the rest of your story with us. Friends you haven’t yet met are waiting for you here, people just like you!

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Alexandra Săndulescu
Alexandra Săndulescu Employer Branding Communication Specialist Bucharest

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