Mazars appoints Pieter Jongstra as member of the Supervisory Board

2 May 2019 - Mazars Accountants and Advisers has appointed Pieter Jongstra as a member of the Supervisory Board on 1 May 2019. With Pieter Jongstra's arrival, the Supervisory Board has parted company with Tim Hudson in close consultation. The Supervisory Board now consists of Henk Broeders, former Capgemini top execu-tive, Marga Hoek, Managing Director of De Groene Zaak, and Pieter Jongstra, for-mer NBA chairman.

Attention to quality and change

Ton Tuinier, chairman of the Mazars Executive Board, is pleased to welcome Pieter Jongstra as a member of the Mazars Supervisory Board: “In recent years, we have come to know Pieter Jongstra as an enthusiastic chairman of NBA. His passion for the auditing industry stands out. His desire to reform the industry from an intrinsically driven motivation is in keeping with Mazars. We want to improve and contribute to the transparency the industry demands. With Pieter Jongstra's appointment, we have taken an important step forward. Looking at what is needed from Mazars’ point of view, Pieter Jongstra will be able to contribute to the supervision of our quality control system, our culture and change agenda and risk management.”

In addition to Henk Broeders (chairman) and Marga Hoek (vice-chairman), Mazars is proud to present Pieter Jongstra as a supervisory director:

Pieter Jongstra


In June 2018, Pieter Jongstra (1956) concluded the chairmanship of the board of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants. In addition, he has been vice-chairman of APG's Supervisory Board since February 2015. He is also chairman of the Supervisory Board's Audit and Risk Committee and the Governance Committee. Jongstra was affiliated with EY for 32 years. He joined EY in 1982 and left the EY partnership on 30 June 2014. At EY, he held (inter)national management positions for more than 15 years, of which the last 4.5 years as chairman of the Board of Directors in the Netherlands. Moreover, Jongstra has always conducted an accountancy practice of mainly internationally operating listed and family-owned companies. In his administrative roles, he is especially motivated when he can improve an organisation through change. Diversity and sustainability are common threads running within his managerial career.

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