COVID-19 Webinar: Tax Challenges for the financial sector

Mazars was hosting a tax webinar for the Financial Services sector where a range of Mazars tax experts discussed critical business issues related to Covid-19.


The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping global economies and societies in an unprecedented manner. Lockdowns, travel bans and other consequences of the COVID-19 leads to a variety of tax issues, especially in situations involving cross-border elements for financial services industry.

This webinar provides key stakeholders from the financial sector an insight into relevant corporate tax, indirect tax, global mobility and transfer pricing issues presented by Mazars global Financial Services tax experts.

Moderated by Renata Ardous of Mazars UK, the speakers are:

  • Corporate tax - concerns related to residency status companies- Erik Stroeve, Mazars Netherlands and Faye Tannenbaum, Mazars USA
  • Transfer Pricing pressure points - Renata Ardous, Mazars UK, Bettina Grothe, Mazars Germany and Akos Tomor, Mazars Hungary
  • Global mobility; Cross border works and individual residency of people - Alexander Rasink, Mazars Netherlands and Joe Pilley, Mazars UK NEW
  • Indirect tax deferrals and key VAT issues - Birgit Juergensmann, Mazars Germany and Axel Sheller, Mazars Germany

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