Stephan Rijsdijk Tax Advisor

Stephan Rijsdijk

Personal quote / vision

As a tax consultant, I provide clients with high-quality advice. My quality is reducing complex situations to simplicity and coming up with pragmatic tax solutions for clients. My broad knowledge of tax law and my background as a philosopher enable me to approach issues from different angles.

Specialized experience

  • In particular, I deal with complex income tax, corporate income tax and transfer tax issues that affect (large) SMEs, their shareholders and high net worth individuals, for example in restructuring, acquisitions and business successions. This both in a national and international context.
  • Furthermore, I have specialized in the analysis of corporate tax positions of limited taxpayers, such as foundations and associations, and the coordination thereof with the tax authorities.
  • I also have experience in optimizing the tax position of (large) SMEs, their shareholders and high net worth individuals.

Specific client experience

  • (Large) SMEs and their shareholders.
  • High net worth individuals.
  • Foundations, associations and other limited taxpayers. In particular advocacy organizations, cultural institutions and educational institutions

Education and work experience

  • Graduated 2014 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Master in tax law
  • Graduated 2015 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Master's degree in philosophy
  • Working as a tax consultant since 2016

Additional positions

  • Since September 1, 2019, I have been a member of the works council. In this way, I want to contribute to the development of Forvis Mazars as an organization. This by representing the interests of staff members and thinking along with them about the policy pursued within the organization.

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