Marjolein Frencken - van Hal Nederland

Marjolein Frencken - van Hal

Personal quote / vision

Tax laws and regulations are constantly changing, which keeps the profession lively and ensures that you stay sharp and seek new opportunities and challenges for clients. I have a background in general tax consultancy with a specialization in the field of payroll taxes and pensions, both in a national and international context. Together with my colleagues, we provide broad and integrated advice for clients. I advise clients operating in the Netherlands, among other things, on the correct application of the rules of payroll tax and social insurance, which are often intermingled with labor law issues (application of collective bargaining agreements and pension schemes, etc.) and investigate the possibilities of optimization or risk avoidance.

Specialist experience

  • Cross-border labor
  • Expense reimbursements, working expenses scheme (WKR)
  • Employee participations
  • Advising on pensions and other retirement provisions with a focus on the DGA
  • Assessing labor relations and employment issues under the DBA Act (deregulation assessment labor relations) and hiring other external parties
  • Assist clients with tax audits, horizontal supervision and tax control frameworks

Specific client experience

  • I am driven and committed. Thus, I help my clients by thinking in solutions and possibilities.
  • Because of my background in general tax consulting, I see the specialty of payroll taxes in a broader perspective.

Education and work experience

  • 1998 - 2004 | Tilburg University | Tax law
  • Professional training for the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers
  • 2001 - 2003 | Fiscal Institute Tilburg | Student - Assistant
  • 2002 - 2024| Mazars | Senior Tax Manager Tax Zuid (Breda - Eindhoven)
  • 2024 - present | Forvis Mazars | current position: Senior Tax Manager Tax Zuid (Breda - Eindhoven)

Additional functions

  • Member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB)
  • Contributor to various Forvis Mazars publications
  • Culture & Conduct Committee
  • Internal confidential adviser

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