Mariëlle van Dijk Partner

Mariëlle van Dijk

Personal quote / vision  

From my personal interest and commitment to social issues, I have specialized in the audit and consulting of not-for-profit organizations over the course of my career. I have a hands on mentality and invest in the development of a constructive trust relationship. I enjoy working with people and seek the genuine connection in this. 


  • Extensive experience in auditing national and international organizations in both the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors
  • Specialized in auditing and advising not-for-profit organizations, primarily NGOs and charities
  • Dutch GAAP
  • Audit of subsidy accounts

Specific client experience  

  • NGOs
  • Charities
  • Cultural institutions
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Internationally operating companies (including pharma / lifescience and services)