Casper Vollebregt Director

Casper Vollebregt

Personal quote / vision

Put yourself in someone else's shoes, and you will achieve the most. As a tax advisor, you deal with complex and diverse tax issues. However, good tax advice requires much more from an advisor than technical knowledge. I therefore strive to find the best solution for every situation through a personal and practical approach.

Specialized experience

  • Cross-border labor
  • Chain and hirer liability (WKa / WAS)
  • International payroll (such as application of salary splits)
  • Supervision of investigations by the Tax Office, SNCU, NEN 4400-1 and 4400-2, etc.
  • Zzp'ers
  • International social security
  • WKR

Specific client experience

  • Flex industry (employment agencies, payroll organizations, brokers, etc.)
  • Construction
  • Industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Business services

Education and work experience

  • 2000 - 2006 | Maastricht University | Fiscal Economics
  • 2003 - 2004 | Maastricht University | European studies
  • 2006 - 2024 | Mazars | Senior Tax Manager
  • 2024 - present | Forvis Mazars | Senior Tax Manager

Additional positions

Speaker at internal and external events on cross-border labour, chain and hirer liability and flex.