Bert Boerrigter Director

Bert Boerrigter

Personal quote / vision

A personal and approachable conversation regarding tax issues usually leads to good cooperation with clients and therefore to the best approach and outcome. As the society and world around us is changing ever faster and is becoming more international, tax law must also respond to this. My affinity with start-ups and related tax issues holds. In this way, I always try to share up-to-date knowledge and experience with my clients.

Specialized experience

  • Various tax issues relevant to growing and/or innovative entrepreneurs. This includes the use of the innovation box, taxation around employee participation and other tax issues that arise during the growth process of such companies.

Specific client experience

  • Extensive experience with start-ups

Education and work experience

  • 2004 - 2008 | University of Groningen | MSc Fiscal Economics
  • 2009 - 2013 | PwC | Tax Consultant
  • 2013 - present | Forvis Mazars | Tax Consultant

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