Migration guidance

Replacing a system is not simple, does not take place very often and is risky. Remaining in control during such a process is essential to ensure the reliability and continuity of automated data processing. Would you like to know more about the supervision of migrations? Or how you can ensure that you receive the right support for applications?

The term ‘end-of-support’ means that there is no longer regular support for an application and that regular security patches or other patches are and will no longer be available. This term is regularly used for applications that are at the end of their lifecycle. Support is possible, but usually at a considerably higher price.

As an organisation, it is important to respond to a situation of such kind at an early stage and to look for a suitable alternative. If it is already too late, it is very important to act decisively. This can be realised by taking measures regarding the continuity and security of the current situation and also by taking action towards a new future environment.

Above all, several scenarios are possible: phasing in time and/or functionality or a big-bang transition.

Forvis Mazars can help you with

It is important that you do the best for your organisation without making excessive concessions in terms of functionality, safety and manageability. The specialists of IT Audit & Advisory have extensive experience with replacement processes. Where an organisation only experiences such a process once or twice a decade, our specialists experience such a process several times a year. They can, among other things, help you clarify requirements and draw up an enquiry (RFI / RFP). They can also advise you on the best migration scenario for your organisation.

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