Health & Safety

How can you improve the working conditions for your employees? And which statutory obligations does your occupational health & safety policy have to meet? Prevention is better than cure, particularly when it comes to health and safety. Forvis Mazars' specialists will guide you in setting up an occupational health & safety policy that meets all statutory obligations. This will reduce personal distress, accidents, illness and, ultimately, absenteeism-related costs.

How can we help you?

Our specialists can help you choose a certified occupational health and safety expert. After all, as an organisation you no longer have to be affiliated with an occupational health and safety service. However, support from a certified occupational health and safety expert is compulsory. This could be an occupational physician, an occupational hygienist, a safety expert or an occupational health and safety expert. It is up to you if you wish to hire this expertise via a safety net scheme through the occupational health and safety service or if you are going to organise it yourself through a tailor-made arrangement. Forvis Mazars' specialists will help you make the right choice.

We will also support you in the analysis and preparation of, for instance, working hours, work rotas and shift systems. After all, working hours play an important role in good working conditions. Having to work too long in one go can be dangerous and it may ultimately affect your health. The Working Hours Act was implemented to protect your employees from this. Forvis Mazars' specialists have extensive knowledge of this act and can advise you about it.