Value creation and realisation

Whatever your ambition as an entrepreneur within the Technology, Media and Telecom industry, our corporate finance advisers will help you initiate, negotiate, structure and conclude your financial transactions. We support both nationally and internationally operating companies in the field of mergers and acquisitions.

Value creation

More and more, value creation is regarded as an important goal for companies. The value of a company is not just affected by the profit it makes; there are many more value drivers. A value driver is a factor that determines or affects the value of a company and can be of both a financial and non-financial nature. Factors may be:

  • Economic climate
  • Company strategy
  • Technology: patent, IP
  • Economies of scale
  • Access to the capital market
  • Business processes and culture
  • Personnel, clients and suppliers
  • Profit growth (and profit margin)
  • Return on investments
  • Brand name and brand awareness
  • Threat of product substitutes
  • Competition
  • Legislation and regulations

Many of the above factors may be influenced and maximised in order to add value.


Managing a successful business is demanding and the challenges you face as an entrepreneur are constantly changing. Entrepreneurs and management teams face major challenges due to competition, strained labour market, legislative changes and other developments. Forvis Mazars can help you with our unique business analysis method: Optimize. Optimize focuses on the key factors that drive success while maximising the long-term value of your business.


The value of a business is a subjective concept. A Register Valuator can provide insight into the value of your business. At times such as transactions, restructuring, disputes between shareholders or financial reporting, a valuation may be relevant.


The moment you want to realise the value of your company, it is not the value that is paid, but the price. The perception of the value may differ between the buyer and the seller. For a transaction, however, parties have to agree on the price, so proper preparation is important. A proper preparation will focus, among other things, on the following aspects or topics:

  • Insight into the company's value drivers
  • Business plan for the coming years
  • Tax and financial optimisation of the company
  • Optimising business operations (culture, objectives, risk assessment & acceptance, guidelines and procedures, internal control measures, information & communication, reporting (internal & external), compliance, supervision)
  • Building a good track record
  • Having a capable MT in place to successfully continue the business after a transaction

Company acquisition or sale

Every acquisition or sale is a unique, complex and intensive process. Usually this does not happen very often, so it is not a daily occurrence for entrepreneurs. That is why the Forvis Mazars Corporate Finance experts, who specialise in acquisition and sales support, can help you with this. Because of our experience, knowledge of the market and our international network, we are committed and strive for success for our clients.

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