Partner compliance

As the executive board of a partner organisation, you want to be sure that the partners, including their personal companies, are compliant as well. You want to be able to manage the current social debate on tax ethics issues (what is fiscally acceptable and what is not) and the risk of adverse media attention as well as possible. Forvis Mazars is happy to help you with partner compliance.

How have you organised your partner compliance?

We regularly notice that the personal companies of partners of partner organisations are placed with various intermediaries and that the professionals organise 'their' affairs themselves. As the executive board of a partner organisation, you may often have no insight into whether the tax position of the partners is compliant. The last thing you want is for partners to be the subject of adverse news coverage because of tax issues, as this may have a major impact on the reputation of your organisation.

What can Forvis Mazars do to help you?

The Forvis Mazars specialists have gained experience in the field of partner compliance and can help your organisation by, among other things:

  • Provide the executive board and supervisors with reports on tax partner compliance.
  • Serve as a sounding board for the executive board and supervisors on tax issues.
  • Be a single point of contact for all partners, as a trusted business adviser.

In addition, the Forvis Mazars specialists can act as an expert partner for you by informing you on current developments in the industry and legislation and regulations.

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