Family Charter

Family businesses are important for the Dutch economy. Within a family business, different values, principles and perspectives often play a role. If such subjects are not properly discussed within the family, this can be a major barrier to the success of the family business for the futue. Our Forvis Mazars Family Charter can be a solution.

Why a Family Charter?

Establishing agreements in a Family Charter based on a good discussion provides clarity and contributes to the continuity of the family business. It can prevent unnecessary conflicts in the future and contribute to a gentle transfer between the generations. It can also strengthen the family bond because a significant number of family members will be involved.

What is the Family Charter?

The Family Charter is a document in which you as a family record agreements regarding your family business. A family charter gives a family structure and guidance for decisions to be taken, for the development of the family wealth and conducts discussions. The Family Charter can also contain agreements on topics such as ownership, dividends, authority and the buyout of (passive) shareholders. In other words, a Family Charter is a practical guide for the family and the family business, which provides insight into the mutual relationships and the relationships to (the wealth of) the family business.

Establishment of the Family Charter

We are pleased to support you in the process of creating your own Family Charter. In order to reach consensus on common values, principles and perspectives regarding the family business, we first need to obtain all individual opinions. Therefore we use an user-friendly app, in which each family member answers a number of questions based on different topics. For instance you can  expect questions such as: What is the vision and mission of the company? Who is entitled to be the legal owner? Who is in control and how is this ensured? Afterwards, the answers of all family members involved will be brought together. Based on the results we can easily see on which topics there is already consensus and which topics need to be discussed further. Discussions take place under the guidance of your Forvis Mazars adviser experts who can guide you on topics from a strategic, financial, tax and legal perspective. The input from the family meetings will be documented in a personal Family Charter that serves as a foundation for further (notarial) elaboration and recording of the agreements that have been made.


Het Familiestatuut

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