Insurance regulation newsletter - Issue 5

Individual accountability, climate, consumer protection and digitalisation featured prominently on the regulatory radar during Q1 2023. The Mazars insurance newsletter will update you on all the news and changes in the Insurance industry.

With another busy financial reporting period coming to a close, spring is traditionally a time that insurers take stock and develop strategic and operational priorities for the year ahead. We increasingly see undertakings recognising the benefit of integrating their regulatory risk and compliance agenda with the wider business planning process. And with the regulatory landscape becoming more sophisticated, adopting this holistic approach is making increased business sense.

The Mazars insurance regulation newsletter helps provides a snapshot of the latest regulatory developments affecting the industry right now, including:

  • CBI priorities 2023.
  • Climate & sustainability.
  • Consumer protection.
  • Other CBI developments.
  • EIOPA news.
  • Other news from across the industry.

Insurance regulation newsletter - Issue 5

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Insurance regulation newsletter Issue 5 - Mazars in Ireland
Insurance regulation newsletter - Issue 5
