Insurance regulation newsletter - Issue 2

Q2 2022 saw continued regulatory emphasis on consumer protection, resilience frameworks, and sustainability goals in the insurance sector. Combining these challenges with the backdrop of economic and geopolitical uncertainty, insurance professionals will remain as busy as ever this summer.

Our newsletter covers important updates from the CBI and EIOPA plus all the latest developments across the industry, including:

  • Sanctions, risks and expectations in respect of the war in Ukraine.
  • Updates to Solvency II guidelines on Contract Boundaries and Technical Provisions.
  • Recovery and Resolution Planning.
  • Differential Pricing updates.
  • CBI Fines and Reprimands.
  • Climate risks and expectations.
  • CBI & EIOPA Consultation Paper updates.
  • Personal Injuries Assessment Board updates.
  • The latest industry statistics from the National Claims Database, Health Insurance Authority and Financial Services & Pensions Ombudsman.
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Insurance regulation newsletter Issue 2 - Mazars in Ireland
Insurance regulation newsletter - Issue 2
