Latest VAT News

Here, we regularly inform you about new court decisions and other newsworthy developments in VAT matters.

Remission of interest in the event of monthly deferral – BFH ruling (V R 30/20)

There are many different reasons why turnover is reported too late, and such a delay may result in interest charges. Under certain circumstances, however, this interest can be remitted if respectively insofar as the taxpayer has not gained any liquidity advantage from the delay. The BFH (German Federal Fiscal Court) is quite generous in this regard.

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Spa taxes are not subject to VAT for freely and gratuitously accessible spa facilities – ECJ judgement "Gemeinde A" (C-344/22)

Judgement of 13 July 2023

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Members of a supervisory board or board of directors do not engage in economic activity even if their remuneration is variable

Members of a supervisory board or board of directors do not engage in economic activity even if their remuneration is variable – Opinion of the Advocate General of 13 July 2023 (C-288/22)

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Cost pass-on – BMF letter dated 20 June 2023

If an entrepreneur passes on costs, there is always the question as to whether this is a remuneration for supply that is subject to VAT. The BFH (German Federal Fiscal Court) took a position on this question last year in connection with market fees for agricultural producer groups and with advance costs for slaughterhouses. The BMF (German Federal Ministry of Finance) has now adopted these positions by including them in the administrative guidelines to the German VAT Code (UStAE).

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Isolated accommodation service can be a “TOMS” travel service - ECJ judgement C-108/22

In the "Alpenchalets Resorts" case (C-552/17), the ECJ had already ruled for holiday flats that a TOMS travel service does not have to consist of several components in order to be subject to margin taxation. The ECJ has now confirmed this for hotels in a Polish case.

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No fixed establishment by subcontractors - ECJ judgement "Cabot Plastics Belgium SA" (C-232/22)

Having a fixed establishment requires having human and technical resources in the country concerned - the ECJ made this particularly clear in its Titanium ruling. Whether, and under what conditions, third-party resources can be considered as fulfilling this requirement has not been fully clarified. However, the ECJ has now added another piece to the puzzle by addressing the question of whether a closely associated subcontractor can be considered a fixed establishment of the principal.

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BMF-Schreiben zu Anwendungsfragen bei dezentraler Besteuerung von Organisationseinheiten der Gebietskörperschaften Bund und Länder

Das Bundesministerium der Finanzen hat kürzlich ein neues Schreiben herausgegeben, in dem Regelungen zur dezentralen Umsatzbesteuerung von Organisationseinheiten der Gebietskörperschaften Bund bzw. Länder gemäß § 18 Abs. 4f UStG und Sondervorschriften für eine von den Vorschriften der AO abweichende Festlegung der örtlichen Zuständigkeit für die Besteuerung dieser Organisationseinheiten gemäß § 18 Abs. 4g UStG behandelt werden.

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Charging stations for electric vehicles - ECJ judgement "P. w W." (C-282/22)

How supplies related to charging stations for electric vehicles should be treated has long been a matter of dispute. Although the VAT Committee has long favoured treating it as a supply of goods, this is not binding on the EU Member States. Now the ECJ has issued a ruling confirming this view.

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§ 15a input VAT adjustment in the case of assets that have become unusable - ECJ ruling (C-127/22) of 4 May 2023

If an entrepreneur claims an input VAT deduction for an object but then uses that object differently than intended, it may be necessary to adjust the input VAT. In a Bulgarian case, the ECJ dealt with the question of whether the disposal, destruction, or sale of assets that have become unusable requires that such an adjustment be made.

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Only one VAT rate for a uniform supply - ECJ judgement "Finanzamt X" (C-516/21)

VAT law includes a splitting requirement for certain combinations of supplies. Thus, the leasing of permanently installed equipment and machinery does not enjoy the same VAT-exempt status as the leasing of the property even if the equipment/machinery is an essential component of the property. Upon referral by the BFH, the ECJ addressed the question of whether different VAT rates must be applied even if these constitute an ancillary supply to the principal supply of letting a building.

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