Latest VAT News

Here, we regularly inform you about new court decisions and other newsworthy developments in VAT matters.

Subscription gifts as an ancillary supply to a magazine subscription

ECJ judgement "Deco Proteste - Editores Lda" of 5 October 2023 (C-505/22)

Nowadays, magazine subscribers often receive a gift when subscribing, and this gift is often quite valuable. The question here is whether this constitutes a free of charge disposal of goods. If, on the other hand, there is a supply against payment, it must be clarified whether this is considered an independent supply or whether the subscription gift together with the supply of magazines is considered a uniform supply. This has an impact on the VAT rate.

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BMF clarifies detailed questions on e-invoice in a letter dated 2 October 2023

VAT Committee publishes guidelines on fuel cards

After the ECJ ruling in the "Vega International" case, the BMF (German Federal Ministry of Finance) felt compelled to circulate a draft letter in November 2021, which declared the chain supply of fuel previously common in the industry to be the exception rather than the rule as early as January 2022. When it became known that the VAT Committee of the EU Commission would take up the issue, the BMF withdrew the letter to await the outcome. Since 6 September, the corresponding guidelines of the VAT Committee have been available. These were derived from Working Paper 1067 of 5 July 2023.

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Direct claim: ECJ judgement "Michael Schütte" of 7 September 2023, C-453/22

If the recipient of the supply cannot recover unduly paid VAT from the supplier, a direct claim against the tax office may be possible under certain circumstances, based on the ECJ's "Reemtsma" case law. Following a referral by the Münster Regional Tax Court, the ECJ has now dealt with further detailed questions - with a positive result for those affected.

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Economic integration in the case of fiscal unity - BFH ruling V R 28/20 of 11 May 2023 (published on 14 September 2023)

The fiscal unity (or VAT group) for VAT purposes is a moving target - especially with regard to the economic integration that this requires. Legal practitioners have to rely on vague legal terms that make a reliable assessment difficult. The BFH (German Federal Fiscal Court) has now added some clarification here.

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Operating equipment: No splitting requirement in the case of uniform supply – BFH ruling V R 7/23 (V R 22/20) of 17 August 2023

Update to Growth Opportunities Act - Transition period for e-invoicing extended

The Federal Cabinet passed the Growth Opportunities Act on 30 August 2023.

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Decentrally consumed electricity from CHP plants does not constitute a supply and return supply

BFH ruling V R 22/21 of 11 May 2023

In its ruling of 29 November 2022 (XI R 18/21), the XIth Senate of the Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH) had already decided that the obligation of the grid operator to also pay a surcharge for decentrally consumed electricity in accordance with the Act on the Maintenance, Modernisation and Expansion of Combined Heat and Power Generation (Gesetz für die Erhaltung, Modernisierung und den Ausbau der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung, KWKG) does not imply a supply and return supply of the electricity. The Vth Senate has now stated that it is in agreement. The contrary view of the tax authorities (section 2.5 paragraph 17 of the UStAE, the VAT Application Decree) can therefore no longer be upheld.

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Input VAT deduction for company events - BFH ruling V R 16/21, published on 27 July 2023

Company events are only fun for the participants - whoever is responsible for the tax treatment must keep a few things in mind. Until 2014, there was a legally unregulated correlation to the wage tax: what was not a wage was also not a free of charge disposal. This meant that the employer was allowed to claim an input VAT deduction from the expenses. However, the wage tax law was changed in 2015, which requires a partial separation of the VAT treatment from the wage tax.

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Growth Opportunity Law draft - plans for e-invoicing