Ensuring that the sustainability strategy becomes a strategy for success

Competence in corporate management is always a key factor for success. The necessary experience gained over many years helps in dealing with future challenges. It becomes more difficult when the rules of the game change fundamentally: The issue of sustainability and its effects extend far beyond simply complying with the reporting requirements. However, this specific expertise has not yet been sufficiently developed in many companies – with the exception of large corporations – resulting in a serious situation in which the proven corporate strategy suddenly no longer works. This, in turn, threatens the likelihood of achieving sustainable goals and poses an even greater threat to the successful achievement of your business goals.

In the pursuit of sustainable goals, the focus is now on identifying and targeting new business opportunities. ESG requirements now affect all business functions, profit and loss, and balance sheet items. This will have a major impact on your company’s long-term, stable profitability, which is why the issue of sustainability should become a fundamental part of your strategic business development. Our experts will help you to gain competitive advantages within the context of a positioning aligned with ESG criteria.

Here, you will find general information on strategy development.

Our approach

Our experience has shown that it’s only possible to develop long-term ESG-related competitive advantages if not only the business aspects but also the legal, tax, and technological aspects are specifically addressed. Your full-fledged sustainability strategy requires the holistic interplay of coordinated disciplines, and the implementation of this strategy will have a noticeable effect.

  • We help companies of all sizes develop a long-term, holistic sustainability goal that is tailored to the individual business model and relevant regulatory requirements, and aligned with the UN goals for sustainable development.
  • We ensure that this goal is integrated into your corporate strategy and reporting.
  • We handle the planning and implementation of the measures needed to achieve your goals.
  • We create control mechanisms for efficiently measuring the defined target parameters and use these to derive impulses for your business development.

Our (tools and) solutions

In developing the strategy, we utilise the interplay of diverse aspects and stages of development – from analysis to implementation and evaluation:


We start with a materiality analysis to determine the current state of your company:

  • Readiness check according to ESG criteria
  • Structured stakeholder analysis
  • Creation of a materiality matrix
  • Detailed assessment of the opportunities and risks

Then we work on the strategy design to develop the detailed roadmap:

  • Prioritisation of opportunities and risks
  • Definition of an ESG vision and corresponding KPIs
  • Implications for the value proposition
  • Identification of competitive advantages and potential for differentiation

Then, we begin to identify the operational and organisational implications:

  • Process and structural requirements
  • IT and data requirements
  • Determine the competencies needed
  • Identify the options (make, buy, or partner)

For the planning and implementation, further details are now required:

  • Plan and organise the implementation
  • Define the business case
  • Develop ESG policies
  • Develop a mechanism for monitoring and tracking the implementation

Finally, develop a plan for measuring the success:

  • Define the KPI target values
  • Set up a system for measuring and reporting the KPIs

Your benefit

We work in interdisciplinary project teams in close and trusting collaboration with your organisation’s representatives and stakeholders. For a more in-depth examination of international aspects, we draw on the expertise of our sustainability experts from over 90 countries worldwide as needed.

The advantages of working with us:

  • Future and legal certainty for your company
  • Greater resilience
  • Avoidance of possible sanctions, special investigations, exclusion from contract bidding, and penalties or fines
  • Positive reputation among investors, stakeholders, employees, and society
  • Opportunities for new business models and business fields

Please contact us to learn more
