Dean Newman Partner

Dean Newman

My role is a balance of knowing what is in the detail and having a helicopter view of a business.

Business owners generally are very capable at running their businesses. Where I can add value is being aware of the detail so that they avoid their valuable time being consumed in needless administration. At the same time I need to have a broader view of their business and where it is headed to assist their decision making.

With almost 30 years’ experience in all aspects of Australian business I am well equipped to assist local and overseas business owners, structure and operate their business successfully.

My expertise includes income tax, employment related matters including payroll, as well as providing advice on structuring, management and superannuation. My team includes outsourcing specialists, which provide a complete back office solution.

My clients include major property developers, software developers, technology companies, agribusiness and medical professionals.

My family keeps me busy outside work, where I am involved in running my kids’ sporting clubs, enjoy watching them play sport and when time permits, I like to play golf with my friends.

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