Prepare for mandatory climate-related disclosures with our climate reporting readiness tool

Are you ready for mandatory climate reporting?

Mandatory climate reporting has been introduced in Australia. Use our climate reporting readiness tool to assess how prepared is your organisation and start planning.

On 9 September 2024, the Parliament has passed the Bill introducing mandatory climate reporting in accordance with AASB S2 climate-related disclosures. For large companies, the first reporting year starts 1 January 2025. While smaller companies have more time, they should start as soon as possible as preparing climate-related disclosures is a long journey.

Does my organisation have to prepare mandatory climate-related disclosures?

Check out the below table to determine if your organisation is in the scope of the mandatory climate reporting regulation.

Climate reporting table Australia

Why use our climate reporting readiness tool?

  • Identify areas where your organisation needs to significantly step up its efforts to meet regulatory requirements (gap analysis)
  • Get a personalised report with recommendations tailored to your organisation and information on AASB S2 requirements
  • Quick assessment (10-15 minutes)
  • Free to use

Armed with your personalised report, kick-off discussions within your organisation, start planning and draft a roadmap to meet mandatory climate reporting requirements.

Access your free climate reporting readiness report here