Data and privacy

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Third party APIs

General terms of use

Forvis Mazars provides online accounting platforms, tools and services that clients agree to use responsibly and legally when accepting the terms of use. Intellectual property rights, privacy, security and accessibility policies apply. Users must protect their login credentials and can't share paid services.

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Legal information

Relevant disclaimers, limitations of liability and governing laws apply when using Forvis Mazars services, as covered in our legal information.

This includes limits to advice based solely on client information provided. External links are not endorsements. Dispute resolution procedures apply. By being aware of these rights and obligations, Forvis Mazars clients can ensure a compliant, ethical, and productive relationship. Our advisers are here to assist with any questions.

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Privacy Policy

Forvis Mazars is committed to protecting client privacy and securing personal data. This is outlined in our privacy policy and GDPR privacy notice.

Necessary data is collected with consent. Clients have rights to access, correct and delete their data. Queries can be addressed to our Data Protection Officer.

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General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Notice

When working with an accounting firm like Forvis Mazars, clients have certain rights and obligations they should be aware of. This article provides an overview of some of the key things individual and business clients of Forvis Mazars need to know.

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Clients right and obligations under taxation laws

As a client of Forvis Mazars we are obliged under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 to advise you of your rights and obligations under the taxation laws in relation to the services we provide to you. These will vary according to the particular taxation services which you require from us from time to time.

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