NSW JobSaver scheme – Announcement of tapering and termination

The NSW Government has announced changes to the shape of the JobSaver scheme as the state moves out of lockdown on 1 December 2021.

The fortnight ending 10 October 2021 appears to be the last fortnight where JobSaver payments amount to 40% of weekly payroll or $1,000/week for non-employing businesses.  From then, JobSaver payments reduce to 30% of weekly payroll or $750/week for non-employing businesses until the 80% vaccination double dose target is met. From that point, JobSaver payments reduce to 15% of weekly payroll or $375/week for non-employing businesses until the scheme ends. The minimum and maximum weekly payments for employing businesses also reduce at the two critical dates.

Details of the JobSaver tapering are set out below:

JobSaver (excluding extension program)

Share of weekly payroll

Weekly payment range (paid fortnightly)

Weekly payments to non-employing business (paid fortnightly)



$1,500 to $100,000


10 October 2021


$1,125 to $75,000


80% double dose


$562.50 to $37,500


30 November 2021

No further payments

No further payments

Based on current vaccination rates, it appears that the period during which JobSaver payments will be 30% of weekly payroll or $750/week for non-employing businesses will be just one fortnight.

Should you have any questions, please contact your usual Mazars advisor, the author, or if you require assistance with claims or want to know more, please contact your local office below.

Author: Stephen Baxter




+61 7 3218 3900

+61 3 9252 0800

+61 2 9922 1166

Published: 11/10/2021

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