Legal Section - Doing Business

You will find here a series of summaries providing an overview of useful legal regulations, processes and legal issues for Doing Business in Thailand.

Unfair dismissal and restructuring

Employers may decide to terminate employees for various reasons, such as a restructuring or a disruption in the business.

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Applications being accepted for Thai permanent residence

Effective 22 November 2021, the immigration office began accepting applications for Thai permanent residence (PR) for 2021. This is done annually by the Minister of Interior and the immigration authorities, allowing a maximum of 100 people of each nationality who are staying and working in Thailand for at least 3 consecutive years to request such status.

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Temporary visa extensions

The immigration department has issued a memo to immigration officials stating that they can grant 60-day visa extensions to foreigners who cannot leave the country.

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Extending the scope of business of a TISO and IBC

On 16 September 2021, the BOI issued Announcement No. Sor 3/2564 on extending the scope of business of a Trade and Investment Support Office (“TISO”) and International Business Centre (“IBC”) to provide loans to affiliated companies as an activity outside the scope of a treasury centre, as follows:

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Guidelines on DBD permission not to hold an AGM

The Department of Business Development (“the DBD”) has issued new guidelines on allowing a legal entity, such as a limited company, a public limited company, association, or chamber of commerce, not to hold a shareholders’ meeting during the period from 26 April to 30 April 2021, due to an error that occurred when accessing the DBD’s e-registration site to provide the reason for not holding the meeting during the fixed period or due to the DBD e-registration site failing to save such information that was provided.

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