Legal Section - Doing Business

You will find here a series of summaries providing an overview of useful legal regulations, processes and legal issues for Doing Business in Thailand.

BOI policy to provide incentives to businesses reducing greenhouse gas emissions

As a result of the government’s policy to reach the goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2065, the BOI has taken certain measures to provide incentives to businesses reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as follows:

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BOI to provide incentives to certain start-ups

As a result of the government’s policy to increase competitiveness in certain industries, such as agriculture and biotechnology, aviation, biofuel and bio-chemicals, smart electronics, digital businesses, and automobiles, the BOI will establish the Increasing Competitiveness Fund to provide incentives to 30 start-ups in the targeted industries in 2022.

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Changing company information through the DBD e-filing system

The Department of Business Development (“DBD”) has launched a new channel for requesting changes in registered company information through the DBD e-filing system.

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Amendment of the Copyright Act

On 24 February 2022, the Copyright Act (No. 5), 2565 B.E., as amended, was published in the Royal Gazette, and will be effective from 23 August 2022.

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Qualifications and duties of the Data Protection Officer

Since the enactment of the Personal Data Protection Act ("the PDPA”) in 2019, Thai businesses have become more aware of data protection issues. Currently, most Data Controllers are aware of their duties, including appointing a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”), as prescribed under Section 41 of the PDPA.

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