Tax Section - Doing Business

You will find here a series of summaries providing an overview of useful tax regulations, processes and tax issues for Doing Business in Thailand.

VAT Compliance alert: New input VAT deduction rules for sales outside of Thailand

On 5 February 2025, the Thai Revenue Department issued Departmental Instruction No. Paw 164/2568 (“Paw 164”), which significantly amends the treatment of input VAT for VAT registrants engaged in the sale of goods outside of Thailand. This instruction repeals the second paragraph of Clause 3 of the previously issued Departmental Instruction No. Paw 89/2542 (“Paw 89”) and introduces two new provisions, Clause 3/1 and Clause 3/2, which impose stricter input VAT allocation requirements.

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The Revenue Department introduces tax measures to promote investment in Special Economic Zones

On 13 January 2025, the Cabinet approved the principles of a draft Royal Decree on tax exemptions as part of measures to promote investment in Special Economic Zones (SEZ).

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‘Easy E-Receipt 2.0’ offers tax deductions of up to THB 50,000 to stimulate the domestic economy

To stimulate domestic consumption and support the local economy, the Revenue Department encourages taxpayers to take part in the ‘Easy E-Receipt 2.0’ program.

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Tax exemptions and deductions available to corporations

As the tax season approaches, it is essential for taxpayers to prepare diligently for their upcoming filings. Whether you are an individual or a business owner, leveraging available tax exemptions and deductions can significantly reduce your tax liabilities.

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Revenue Department and Customs Department integrate data access to streamline tax administration

The Thai Revenue Department and the Thai Customs Department took a significant step towards improving the efficiency of tax collection through digital integration on 9 August 2024 by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) on data linkage.

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