Travel provisions

As a result of the continuing effects of the COVID-19 outbreak abroad, announcements issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) on banning incoming flights to Thailand are still enforceable except for state or military aircraft, emergency landings, landings for technical aircraft without any passengers disembarking, humanitarian and medical relief flights, repatriation flights, cargo aircraft landings, and certain passenger flights.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, COVID-19, CAAT, Work Permits, Visas, BOI, IEAT, AOT Airport, Certificate of Entry, Alternative State Quarantine, Royal Gazette, District Labour Office, Immigration Bureau, International, Domestic, Travel

Updated: 10 June 2021

The CAAT allows passenger flights carrying the following people to enter Thailand:

  • Thai nationals.
  • People with exemptions or people being considered, permitted, or invited by the Prime Minister, or the head of people responsible for resolving emergency issues. Certain conditions and time limits may be imposed in such cases.
  • People on diplomatic or consular missions or with international organizations, or representatives of foreign governments performing their duties in the Kingdom, or people with other international agencies as permitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including their spouses, parents, or children.
  • Carriers of required goods, subject to immediate return after completion of delivery.
  • Crew members who are required to travel to the Kingdom on a mission and have a specified date and time for return.
  • Foreigners who are legally married to a Thai national or are the parent or child of a Thai national.
  • Foreigners who have permanent residence in Thailand, including their spouse or children.
  • Foreigners who have a work permit or who have been granted permission from government agencies to work in Thailand, including their spouse or children.
  • Foreigners who have been granted permission from the government for temporarily stay and work.
  • International students and the parents or guardians of such students, except for students of informal educational institutions under the law on private schools and other similar private educational institutions.
  • Foreigners who need medical treatment in Thailand, as well those accompanying them (except medical treatment for COVID–19).
  • Foreigners who are permitted to enter Thailand under a special arrangement with a foreign country.

The people listed above must comply with the disease prevention measures for people entering Thailand to prevent the spread of COVID-19 annexed to the Order of the Centre for the Administration of the Situation due to the Outbreak of the Communicable Disease Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).

The measures for the above persons are as follows:

Before arrival

After arrival

Have a permanent residence certificate, work permit, Form WP3, or a letter from the Board of Investment (BOI) for working in Thailand (as the case may be).

Download the “AOT Airport” application and fill out the application form (T8) to allow Thai health officials to contact the traveller in the event of an emergency.

Have completed and signed the declaration form at a Thai embassy for obtaining the “Certificate of Entry” (COE)* at least 10 days before the intended date of travel.

Subject to a 14-day quarantine at a government-designated, Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) hotel facility at own expense after arrival in Thailand, and will twice be RT-PCR tested for COVID-19.

Mask wearing in indoor and outdoor public areas. Violators are subject to a fine of THB 6,000, up to a maximum of THB 20,000.

Have a  medical certificate with a laboratory result (using RT-PCR) indicating that COVID-19 is not detected issued no more than 72 hours before departure; or

Vaccinated more than 14 days earlier with a vaccination certificate.

Have valid health insurance for at least
USD 100,000 covering COVID-19 treatment in Thailand.

* Issuance of COE for non-Thai nationals traveling from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh is currently suspended.

Source: CAAT

First announcement: CAAT dated 3 August 2020


The immigration department issued an order authorizing immigration officers to grant 60-day visa extensions to foreigners who cannot leave the country. Foreigners who wish to extend their visas must submit a letter from their embassy requesting such, together with the application for extending a visa, to the immigration office. The terms and conditions for applying are set out by each local immigration office, and visa extensions will initially be granted for a maximum of 60 days.     

Sources: Royal Gazette dated 25 December 2020 and Immigration Bureau

Work permits

An applicant can apply at the Department of Employment of each area to renew a work permit 30 days before the existing work permit expires. We therefore recommend doing this as early as possible. The applicant MUST be in the country on the renewal day. If the applicant cannot enter Thailand to renew the work permit, the employer in Thailand is required to submit paperwork to cancel the work permit within 15 days of the expiration day, and the foreigner is required to apply for a new work permit.

In Bangkok, the application for a work permit must be submitted to the District Labour Office (rather than the Ministry of Labour).  

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