Mazars urges organizations to prepare for the Personal Data Protection Act

The Personal Data Protection Act of 2019 (“PDPA”) will come into effect on 1 June 2022, which will result in a major overhaul of business organizations. Mazars in Thailand has written an article on the PDPA which has been published in various media to advise companies on how to make the transition smoothly.

These media include the Bangkok Post, Matichon OnlineKrungthep turakitThan setthakit, and more.

The article highlights that the PDPA requires organizations to take certain steps in regard to personal data. There must be a data collection system, a system for monitoring the use of personal data, as well as a data protection officer in charge of coordinating with government officials, notifying data owners of their rights, and managing data for both employees and business partners. These processes must be completed before the law comes into effect on 1 June 2022.

Mr. Wichai Somboonchokpisal, a legal partner at Mazars in Thailand, stated, “This Act is very sensitive. In the initial stage, to ensure its effectiveness, investing in technology is required, as well as hiring personnel with legal, IT, and data management knowledge. Therefore, it is not an easy task for those with no experience or expertise in this area. In the beginning, it is crucial to have knowledgeable people to assist in the operational process, as this is a new law in Thailand. To mitigate risks and limit damages that might occur and to reduce the complexity of procedures, companies are advised to consult experts on this particular matter.”

Mr. Wichai also said that Mazars in Thailand has experience providing legal services related to Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, which is the EU law on personal data protection and privacy, which also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and European Economic Area. Mazars is one of the world’s leading legal service providers, as well as financial and accounting advisors, with its headquarters in France.

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The full article is available for download below. 


PDPA - PR article

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