Sylvain Rousmant Audit Partner

Sylvain Rousmant

Sylvain has a degree in Business administration (Paris Sorbonne).

He is Chartered Accountant and Registered Auditor.

Member of Board of Directors at Mazars and head of Risk Management and Quality Control at Mazars.

Director at French Chamber of Commerce in Italy.



Significant experience in cross-border M&A Services assignments for SME and large companies.

As partner in charge of the French Desk is also responsible of the Luxury Market and sustainability.

Sylvain possesses more than 20 years of experience in providing M&A services to private and public companies with wide capabilities in managing the projects on a day to day basis for multinational clients.

Sylvain has an extensive and strong background in a variety of industries and services including automotive, railway transport and telecommunication.

Member of the Monitoring Trustee team for ENI.

Member of the Regulatory certification team of telecommunication of mobile operators for AGCOM.


French, Italian, English

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