Simone Ladogana Audit Partner
Simone has been with Mazars since 2015 and has over 17 years of experience in auditing, managing assignments with clients who adopt both Italian Accounting Standards (OIC) and IAS/IFRS International Accounting Standards.
He mainly serves clients in the retail and automotive sectors. He has extensive experience in the coordination of international groups with the involvement of other Mazars countries and has followed listed groups. At Mazars he is also responsible for the management of publications in Wolters Kluwer magazines, he is part of the planning and professional standards function.
Simone is a Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor.
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Pages associated to Simone Ladogana
- Implicazioni del conflitto russo-ucraino sulle semestrali predisposte secondo gli IFRS
- Il principio di revisione ISA Italia 315: principali impatti attesi
- Mazars nomina quattro nuovi partner
- Riforma della Legge fallimentare: le novità per punti
- IFRS 16: i principali effetti per le aziende retail
- Le passività potenziali: differenza tra OIC 31 e IAS 37