C-suite barometer 2024: focus on Italy

51 Italian leaders responded to the survey by revealing the strategic priorities on the agenda and investment trends that will have an impact in the years to come.

Our annual C-suite barometer collects the views of leading leaders from around the world. This document, starting from Outlook 2024, sees a specific focus on Italy, with 51 leaders responding to the annual survey, revealing the strategic priorities in the agenda, trends and market transformations that are expected to impact businesses in the years ahead.

Focus on Italy

Despite the complex geopolitical and economic situation characterized by conflicts, inflation, high energy costs and raw materials, international business leaders show confidence and positivity in the near future, with resilience and adaptability in the areas identified as most strategic for sustainable economic growth globally.

An optimistic corporate reality emerges for the future, with leaders confident in growth and ready to face future challenges.

Leaders see great potential to transform their businesses, with the biggest strategic priorities remaining technological transformation, sustainability and talent.

  • The Rapid Progress of Generative AI
  • Ride the ESG wave
  • The new 'laws' on talent attraction


C-suite Barometro: focus sull'Italia