Our sustainability report 2021/2022

Sustainability is an important part of the corporate strategy that guides our path forward. It is the basis for our actions and an expression of responsible corporate governance. Our goal is to balance sustainability and business success in order to contribute to a fair and prosperous world. The topics covered in our third sustainability report include what we achieved in the 2021/2022 financial year and how we are continuously advancing our efforts. We have based our disclosures on the framework of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) so as to additionally increase transparency. A materiality analysis ensures that we take into account the concerns of our principal stakeholders and strategically anchor relevant sustainability topics.

Four fields of action: from strategy to implementation

We have defined four fields of action for our sustainability strategy. Each one is essential to our corporate and sustainability goals.

Integrity and trust

Our values have been deeply embedded in our corporate culture since our company was founded. They guide how our employees behave and how we work with our clients, and they radiate into society through our actions as a company. Within our “integrity and trust” field of action, we address the quality of our services, compliance, tax planning, data protection and information security, as well as sustainable purchasing.

People and responsibility

People, with their knowledge and skills, are vital for our company. We help all our employees grow so that they can develop their individual strengths for the benefit of the organisation as a whole. For example, a programme for female leadership has been up and running for several years now. As a result of this and other measures, women held 48% of our management positions as at the reporting date.

Society and engagement

As a caring firm, we support numerous initiatives and projects in the areas of social action, education and culture. We encourage our staff to participate in volunteer projects and offer their professional expertise for the common good. For example, we audit the accounts or annual financial statements of institutions from various sectors on a pro bono basis. We are actively involved in helping refugees and use our know-how for the purpose of education.

Climate and environment

The demands placed on companies to protect the climate and make their business models sustainable have grown. As a company, we aim to act in an environmentally conscious manner, which is why we voluntarily implement important sustainability rules and guidelines internally. Our locations in Germany have been using 100% green electricity since 2022.
In 2019, we adopted an environmental management system certified in accordance with ISO 14001 to help us systematically tackle the “climate and environment” field of action.
We obtained recertification in the reporting year and are continuing to work consistently on measurably improving our environmental footprint on this basis.

Transparent data: the cornerstone of transformation

By documenting all our Scope 3 emissions for the first time, we have drawn up a complete carbon footprint that enables us to better monitor our progress going forward. Scope 3 covers all emissions generated in the upstream and downstream value chain. Various external parties and processes had to be taken into account in our calculations. Along with fuel- and energy-related emissions, we documented how factors such as business travel and waste affect the volume of CO2 we are responsible for.

Sustainability report 2021/2022_Zitat_ENG

Download the complete sustainability report 2021/2022 here: 


Sustainability report 2021/2022

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