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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2022

What are the lessons learnt from the Covid-19 impact on ECL of banks in Europe?

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Doing M&A in the Americas: Tax traps and structuring opportunities

26.5.2022 – America is a vast continent often referred to as a ‘continent of contrasts’ due to its natural, economic, cultural, and demographic diversity. In addition, it also presents inequalities in economic and developmental structure. These factors create a source of tax uncertainties where doing business in this region can be challenging in terms of tax environments that are not as similar.

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Funktionsdefizite auf dem Wirtschaftsprüfungsmarkt

Der Fall Wirecard hat Defizite auf einem Markt offenbart, dessen Teilnehmer*innen viel Verantwortung tragen. Wer börsennotierte Unternehmen prüft, hat Einfluss auf die Stabilität des Finanzsystems. Das Problem: Der Wirtschaftsprüfungsmarkt ist im Segment der Unternehmen von öffentlichem Interesse stark konzentriert und reguliert. Was bedeuten Marktkonzentration und Eintrittsbarrieren für den Wettbewerb? Kann ein Markt so überhaupt funktionieren? Oder ist das Marktversagen? Wenn ja, wie erreichen wir Marktvielfalt, Prüfungsqualität und Finanzmarktstabilität?

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Time for action: Mazars C-suite barometer 2021

Our current study “C-suite barometer 2021” illustrates: C-level executives were emerging from the pandemic with a sense of confidence and resilience. They were confident in their ability to respond to the trends ahead, expecting to transform their businesses and planning to invest. ESG is now firmly on the C-suite agenda and businesses are making public commitments on a range of ESG topics. But are businesses able to action their strategies?

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Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2021/2022

Despite concerns about Covid-19, resurgent inflation and rising energy prices, 2021 saw robust dealmaking across the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region. CEE’s diverse markets and abundant targets are increasingly attractive to both domestic and inbound investors. This publication offers an overview of inbound M&A activity in the CEE region throughout 2021, and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges in the coming months.

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Strukturen auf dem Prüfermarkt für Public Interest Entities in Europa

Wie steht es um die Vielfalt des Prüfermarktes in Europa? Die EU-Abschlussprüfungsreform von 2014 hatte zum Ziel, Unternehmen mehr Auswahl bei der Bestellung ihres Abschlussprüfers zu bieten. Damit sollten die Prüfungsqualität erhöht und das angeschlagene Vertrauen der Marktteilnehmer*innen wiederhergestellt werden − so der Plan. Wie ist der Stand heute, sieben Jahre später? Hat die Audit-Reform ihr Ziel erreicht? Haben kapitalmarktorientierte Unternehmen inzwischen mehr Auswahl bei der Bestellung ihres Abschlussprüfers?

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Doing M&A in Western Europe: Tax traps and structuring opportunities

6.12.2021 – With its place in Europe and its integration in the EU, Western Europe tends to be less of a source of tax uncertainties. But conducting business in this area can be a challenge regarding tax environments which are not that similar.

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Responsible banking practices: benchmark study 2021

Financial institutions increasingly recognise that climate change and other environmental, social and corporate governance risks jeopardise the world’s economy and financial system.

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The race to data maturity: is your business as far

While most businesses understand the importance of data, few are truly able to transform it into a competitive advantage. So, what sets the successfully data-driven apart from the rest? The critical ingredient is data maturity. The higher an organisation’s level of data maturity, the better able they will be to leverage their data to create value and unlock a competitive advantage.

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Vertrauen schaffen: Warum Global Compliance auf der Unternehmensagenda steht

Compliance ist längst ein Eckpfeiler guter Unternehmensführung. Leider wird sie immer noch zu häufig als Pflicht betrachtet anstatt als Teil der internen Wertschöpfung. Aus diesem Anlass haben wir eine Umfrage unter Führungskräften durchgeführt, die für Compliance verantwortlich sind. Wir wollten wissen, wie sie an das Thema Global Compliance herangehen, worauf sie ihre Investitionen ausrichten, welche Risiken sie sehen und was sie von „guter Compliance“ erwarten.

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Financial reporting of European banks in the context of Covid-19: June 2021 update

How has Covid-19 affected the financial performance of banks in Europe?

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Nachhaltigkeit bei Investitionsentscheidungen

Die Aspekte Environment, Social und Governance – zusammengefasst im Kürzel „ESG“ – rücken in der Finanzwirtschaft immer stärker in den Fokus. Denn wie sicher Investitionen sind, hängt zunehmend davon ab, wie nachhaltig Unternehmen handeln und damit die Erwartungen und Vorgaben von Politik und Konsument*innen erfüllen. Entsprechend lenken Finanzmarktakteure, wie z. B. Kreditinstitute, Versicherungen oder Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaften, ihr Kapital immer stärker in nachhaltige Anlageformen.

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Doing M&A in Asia Pacific: Tax traps and structuring opportunities

Seeking opportunities outside their country of origin is a natural part of the growth journey for many businesses. By opening up new markets and connecting with new customers, businesses can increase their sales and profits, while spreading their risk by not having to rely on any one single market.

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Financial performance of European banks in the context of Covid-19: benchmark study 2021

How is the pandemic affecting the financial performance of European banks?

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Doing M&A in CEE: Tax traps and structuring opportunities

10.12.2020 – Against a backdrop of global competition and integrated markets, many businesses around the world are seeking growth opportunities outside their country of origin despite shifting, and at times complex, regulatory environments.

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Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2020/2021

Despite the challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, M&A dealmaking in Central & Eastern Europe remained robust in 2020. Thanks to its strong fundamentals, the CEE region continued to attract international investments, doing quite well in comparison with other emerging markets. This publication offers an overview of the inbound M&A activity in the CEE region throughout 2020 and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges in the coming months.

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Responsible banking practices: benchmark study 2021

Up against great economic and societal upheaval as a result of Covid-19, banks around the world continue to take sustainability seriously and firmly acknowledge the related risks and opportunities, for the market and wider stakeholders alike. For the second year running, Mazars publishes its responsible banking practices report to assess how banks embed sustainability into their commercial practices.

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