Forvis Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer: Insights from Latin America

Even though many Latin American countries are currently facing major challenges due to the covid pandemic, the region remains nevertheless an attractive and important market for many German companies. Around 620 million people live in an area about five times the size of the EU, more than half of them under the age of 45. Besides the large number of young consumers, the region is also one of the world's most important suppliers of raw materials.

Based on a global study commissioned in 2020, Forvis Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer reveals the views of C-suite leaders on their activities and outlook, including how they manage and prioritise short- and long-term initiatives.

Latin America was one of the six regions we surveyed, with the barometer revealing it to be the most optimistic in terms of commercial outlook. Just 17% of C-suite leaders in Latin America predicted a drop in revenue in 2020 compared to 2019 and 91% expect to grow in 2021 – well above the global average of 71%.

But figures can only tell us so much. That is why we recently interviewed six Forvis Mazars partners from across Latin America, asking them to share further insight from their respective countries, react to the C-suite findings, and discuss the opportunities ahead as well as the obstacles yet to be overcome.

Download the document below to read interviews with:

  • Gonzalo Urien, Managing Partner, Argentina
  • Eduardo Cabrera, Managing Partner, Brazil
  • Damien de la Panouse, Managing Partner, Chile
  • Carlos Andres Molano, Managing Partner, Colombia
  • Jorge Santibañez Fajardo, Partner, Mexico
  • Luis Martinez, Managing Partner, Uruguay

These interviews provide useful insight into the C-suite perspective and, importantly, shed light on how business leaders are preparing to take on the agenda-setting issues of today and tomorrow. We provide you with the document both in English and Spanish.



EN – Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer: Insights from Latin America
ESP – Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer: Insights from Latin America
