The Financial Reporting of Listed Real Estate Companies in Europe – 2017 Edition

In 2016, real estate investment in Europe fell by 9% by comparison with 2015 to €230 billion, but the listed real estate companies in our sample nevertheless achieved excellent financial performances.

For the 7th edition of this study, we have analysed the financial reporting of a sample of listed European real estate companies in this dynamic environment.

An excellent financial performance by listed real estate companies in 2016

With recurrent income up by 9%, real estate companies have taken full advantage of the restructuring of their liabilities in recent years and the stabilisation of the rental market. Further, given the downward pressure on the capitalisation rate, asset values have appreciated by 5%. However, against an uncertain political and economic background, this positive development has not been reflected in stock market prices. 

Financial Reporting Real Estate Companies infographic

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Financial reporting of real estate companies in Europe 2017

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