The German Mittelstand: A Sustainable Business Model in Transition?

13.07.2017 | Dierk Lemmermann, Pierre Zapp
Few companies are founded with a clear sense of sustainable business practices, but for more than three million private, family-owned German companies classified as Mittelstands, their long-term approach to business, deep connection and engagement with employees and customers has not only helped them to thrive, but embodies some of the key drivers of a successful corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy that many multi-national companies currently strive for. But have we reached a point of transition?

More recently, CSR has grown in importance from a well-intentioned silo to a strategic priority for companies, as the role business plays in supporting a more sustainable future gathers pace.

The advocacy article “The German Mittelstand: A Sustainable Business Model in Transition” by Dierk Lemmermann and Pierre Zapp was published in connection with the G20 summit 2017 in Hamburg, Germany, on

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