Real Estate China– Still on the rise?

Real estate has been an important driver of the rapid growth in China in the past decades. According to Bloomberg, it accounts for approx. 30 percent of its overall GDP. The amount of investments from China in the European real estate market rose.

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Dragon's Deal in Africa

China and African countries expanded economic ties over the past decades. China is investing in infrastructure projects to tap into Africa’s resources – oil, minerals, and its huge agricultural potential. Africa could also become an important sales market in the future. The Forum of China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) from 3 to 4 September 2018 held in Beijing fostered the relationship. China and Africa want to build a win-win cooperation and common development.

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The Future Development of China

Mazars China's 13th Five Year Programme (13.5) | Newsletter – March 2016

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One Belt, One Road – An initiative for China's rejuvenation

Newsletter – June 2016

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