Webinar: German Labour Law Issues during COVID-19 pandemic

08. April 2020 | 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr | Webinar

Loss of working hours for your employees in Germany as a result of the Corona-Crisis; reduction of vacation and working time accounts; negotiations with your German works council; application for short-time work - in recent weeks there has been a lot to do in terms of labor law and with each day of the crisis, further topics are added. The German legislator and the German Federal Government reacted quickly and established new regulations, especially in the area of short-time work.

Our Webcast is deliberately aimed at foreign decision-makers who want to gain a better understanding of the developments in German labor law in times of the Corona crisis. We want to explain to you the basics of the instruments that German employers have to resort to these days. At the moment, the focus is on the topic of short-time work, which we would like to address in particular.

Hence, our Webcast is about “German labour law instruments during Corona-Crisis in a Nutshell”.

Our topics in detail

  • Short-time work and allowances - what are the requirements to order short-time work; what must be observed to obtain short-time work allowances
  • Preparation and implementation of further labour law measures
  • What else do those responsible for labour law measures in Germany have to consider?

Our German labour law experts will share their experiences and best practice approaches with you in English language.

You have the opportunity to ask questions before or live during the Webcast. Our speakers will attempt to address these questions directly. In any case, you will receive answers to your questions after our Webcast.

We are looking forward to your participation !


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