Klaus-Lorenz Gebhardt Partner

Lawyer, tax consultant
Areas of expertise
Special sector knowledge
- Real estate
- Fonds
- German
- English
Brief biography
- Since 2003 Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars)
- 1995 - 1999 Studies of Law at the Free University of Berlin
Klaus-Lorenz Gebhardt is a lawyer, tax consultant and Partner at Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars) in Berlin. His expertise is developing investment fonds and other financing instruments, particularly for the real estate and energy sectors. He advises closed-end funds and emission houses on tax and legal issues. Klaus-Lorenz Gebhardt provides client support in real estate investments.
Professional memberships and other roles
- German-Australian Lawyers Association
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Pages associated to Klaus-Lorenz Gebhardt
Who we are
- Finanzausschuss beschließt Erleichterungen zum Crowdinvesting für Privatanleger
- Digital Transformation @ForvisMazars Germany
- Mazars-Partner wird Mitglied im DEFINO Kuratorium
- Neues beim Crowdinvesting
- Aktuelle Entwicklungen im EU-Prospektrecht
- Mehrwert für Hamburger Unternehmen und internationale maritime Wirtschaft
- Ausbau des Bereichs Immobilienrecht: Rechtsanwalt verstärkt Berliner Team mit herausragender Expertise
- OECD Common Reporting Standard and draft laws on the automatic exchange of nancial account information