Sustainable climate change strategy as the key to success

A responsible climate change strategy and the pursuit of sustainability are no longer optional for companies, but rather regulatory and economic necessities. Decisive action and the right strategies are needed to remain successful in the market moving forward.

Companies play a crucial role in climate protection. The EU has taken a clear stance on this issue with, among other things, the Green Deal and the resulting regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the associated European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

Implementing these regulations is a challenge for many companies. Without a climate change strategy, companies risk a significant negative impact on profitability, reputation, and ultimately on the company’s survival.

Our approach to your climate change strategy

We offer a comprehensive range of services to guide you in achieving your goals – from carbon accounting to developing a climate change strategy with appropriate measures, to assisting with communication strategies such as those for corporate reporting or public relations.

We are convinced that a successful, sustainable climate change strategy must take into account not only economic, but also regulatory, technological, and ethical aspects. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) provides a clear and measurable framework for a scientifically sound climate change strategy for your company; one which is oriented both to your economic goals and your company’s obligations toward society and the planet.

Such a holistic approach to your climate change strategy is required to convey security and credibility to your investors, employees, and other stakeholders, and help you to meet your social and regulatory obligations.

In developing your climate change strategy, we use a modular approach that can include the following, depending on your company's sustainability maturity level:

  • We analyse the status quo of your business and help you develop a foundation of solid data covering all Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions.
  • We help you develop a long-term, holistic climate change strategy based on your specific business model, relevant regulatory requirements, and science-based targets.
  • We empower you to create and apply realistic time schedules and action plans to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • We maintain contact with the SBTi and support you in communicating your climate change strategy according to your requirements.

Our solution for your climate change strategy

In developing the strategy, we utilise the interaction of diverse aspects and stages of development – from analysis to implementation to evaluation. We have divided these into three modules.

Module 1: Initial assessment

In module 1, we begin with a pragmatic initial assessment of your current status. Using this assessment as a basis, we consult with you to determine what further services are needed.

Module 2: Analysis, accounting, and gap identification

Following the initial assessment in module 1, we begin module 2 with a comprehensive analysis. This includes:

  • A readiness check of data collection and key indicator systems
  • An analysis of relevant Scope 3 categories
  • Commissioning and monitoring of an external energy audit

Depending on the current status, we then support you in establishing or further developing the necessary foundation of data and work with you to determine your emissions balance. This is done using SBTi specifications and the established Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) framework. We then use a gap analysis to compare the data and the emissions balance with the SBTi specifications.

Module 3: Climate change strategy goals & measures

In module 3, we focus on strategy design to define concrete actions.

  • We help you publicly communicate your climate change strategy goals within the SBTi framework.
  • Working together with you, we develop the initial reduction paths and targets and serve as your sparring partner in internal validation activities.
  • We determine the process-related and structural prerequisites for your climate change strategy goals.
  • We support you in working with internal and external experts to develop measures and create an action plan.
  • We guide you through the SBTi verification processes.
  • We advise you in publicly communicating your final, sustainable climate change strategy.

Your benefit

In our interdisciplinary project teams, we work in a close and trusting collaboration with your organisation’s representatives and stakeholders. If necessary, we will involve other international climate change strategy experts and help you to become compliant with the ESG laws relevant to you.

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