Biodiversity: your contribution to "Nature Positive"

While in recent years the focus of corporate environmental management has been on climate protection, biodiversity is now increasingly the focus. Various standards and regulations are currently being developed to define a framework for entrepreneurial commitment with regard to biodiversity.

Among other things, through the Science Based Targets for Nature (SBTN), which is intended to complement the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). The latter has set the framework for reduction targets for corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The SBTN, on the other hand, is currently working on additional standards to provide feasible biodiversity targets for companies. The new standards are expected to be available by late 2024. In addition, detailed reporting on biodiversity issues will soon be mandatory for some companies as required by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

The challenge here is to define biodiversity and how it differs from other issues. Biodiversity encompasses the diversity of all living organisms, habitats, and ecosystems on land, in freshwater, in the oceans and in the air. This definition encompasses many of the aspects that companies are already reporting on – such as water, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, efforts in the field of biodiversity are a great opportunity to contribute to "Nature Positive". The goal here is to strengthen the resilience of our planet and our society to stop and reverse the destruction of our natural environment.

Our approach to biodiversity

Our approach is based on a deep understanding of the impact that companies have on biodiversity and their dependencies on ecosystem services. This enables our experts to identify the key biodiversity issues for your company and to set up processes to manage these in a targeted manner.

As biodiversity is an issue that transcends boundaries, our work involves cooperating with, and exchanging information with, other areas within your company, for example in the field of climate protection. Companies often already collect biodiversity data (e.g., with regard to water management, climate protection, or waste management), which they can access as part of their biodiversity strategy.

Our solution for biodiversity

Our experts begin by developing an individualised roadmap for you. For this, we analyse whether biodiversity is a key issue for you, and what your reporting obligations are. We thereby use regulatory frameworks such as the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and voluntary standards and ESG ratings. Building on this, our expert teams work with you to identify key areas of activity, goals, and the strategic orientation of your corporate biodiversity management.

Phase 1: Impact and dependency assessment

In phase 1, we analyse the effects and dependencies of your company's own processes as well as your upstream and downstream value chain to identify your biodiversity risks and opportunities. Our experts use the LEAP approach of the Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). We identify and evaluate site and supply chain-specific data, assess it, and provide this information to you. Our expert teams also advise you on the tools used to generate location-specific and/or quantitative data, and ways to integrate suitable tool solutions into your system landscape.

Phase 2: Strategy development

In a further step, we derive sets of indicators and incorporate these into verifiable data collection processes. In addition, we help you identify suitable steps and goals, also in accordance with the SBTN guidelines. Our experts then work with you to develop a biodiversity strategy that consolidates your key areas of activity along with your goals and KPIs.

Phase 3: Ensuring compliance and the fulfilment of requirements

The focus throughout the process is on compliance with regulatory and voluntary standards and frameworks. Our experts implement and apply the ESRS E4 reporting standard of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards with regard to requirements related to ⁠biodiversity⁠, species, and ecosystems. By doing so, we ensure the auditability and assist you in preparing reports.  We also integrate the results into your ESG ratings and rankings and define your internal biodiversity guidelines.

Your advantage

We help your company comply with regulatory requirements and set voluntary standards. This not only assures you of comprehensive compliance but also helps you stand out among your competitors in the market while at the same time contributing to the achievement of "Nature Positive". Boosting your reputation in this manner significantly enhances your ESG ratings and is highlighted in the ranking requirements.

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